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Radio Station Not Available - Streams From NAS
Last weekend I thought I was listening to Radio Paradise World radio station.  Lesiëm was what was playing, it then continued playing tracks from Lesiëm so i thought for some reason they were playing the entire LP.  Today the same thing happened.  It turns out that Radio Paradise had server issues that impacted the World / Global mix -

What is strange though is that I streamed Lesiëm from my NAS about 2 weeks ago but in my streaming playlist history ( mpc playlist -f "[[%artist% - ]%title%]" ) there are many tracks after that folder:

Lesiëm - Floreat
Lesiëm - Ave Fortuna
The Decemberists - Don't Carry It All
The Decemberists - Calamity Song
The Decemberists - Rise To Me
The Decemberists - Rox In The Box
The Decemberists - January Hymn
The Decemberists - Down By The Water
The Decemberists - All Arise!
The Decemberists - June Hymn
The Decemberists - This Is Why We Fight
The Decemberists - Dear Avery
Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders | 1973-11-03 - After Midnight

Curious question - Why when the radio station is not available are older tracks in my playlist streaming?  It always starts at the first track from that folder and then continues on
If MPD is unable to connect to a URL it tries the next item in the Queue.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks, what causes the queue to look back?  There are 149 tracks in my history after the Lesiëm folder
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "look back" but try listing the Queue with the command below so you see the URI's in their natural order in the Queue.

mpc playlist
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
before clicking Radio Paradise:

jaypa@moode:~ $ mpc queued
Radio Paradise World-Etc Mix (flac) - playlist: Massive Attack - Atlas Air

after clicking:

jaypa@moode:~ $ mpc queued
Lesiëm - Open Your Eyes

mpc playlist displays 150 or so tracks after Lesiëm - Open Your Eyes

Not an issue to me, just a curiosity

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