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CamillaGUI and the Files tab
If you leave the expert mode turned-off you wil not have the problem at all ... ;-)

It has to do with (changed) behaviour of the camilladsp-gui 2.0 and the the redirects for nginx.
Camilladsp pipeline editor gui runs on it own socket (http://sunroom.local:15000).

To be able to make moode run on https or reverse proxy friendly behind a single socket number the gui is redirected:
* https:///sunroom.loca/camilladsp/gui/index.html to http://sunroom.local:15000
* https:///sunroom.loca/api to http://sunroom.local:15000/api

http://sunroom.local/cdsp-configeditor.php just contains an ifram with as target.

Missing is now:
* https:///sunroom.loca/config to http://sunroom.local:15000/config
* http://sunroom.local:15000 should become http://localhost:15000
Some actions on the files are not garanteed to work with moode (or can even mess up moode), because it is the intention to let moode deal with the active configuration.
Due change to camilladsp 2.0 I have to update the glue code to fix this. But that will be for the moode 9.0.0 version.

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