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[SOLVED] Moode does not link up to NAS music library - Printable Version

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RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - kromabus - 02-21-2021

I did manage to run the first line of commande in Ubuntu but the library error does not return any entry

Maybe my syntax is incorrect ?


Also I did read on another post that someone solved the library not updating issue by by removing all mpc unsupported tags. I do not know what that means precisely but my NAS library was copied from iTunes. Coulkd that be the source of the problem ?

RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - EarsOfAnEagle - 02-22-2021

something to check:

Under Music Source --> Advanced --> Mount Flags
change to Ver=3.0  (or 3.1 or 2.0)

3.0 works fine on my Synology

RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - kromabus - 02-22-2021

Thanks for the hint. I did change the Advanced Music source settings from Mount Flags 1.0 to Ver=3.0 but unfortunaltely that did not solve my problem.

I can see my NAS folder in the Library after update but it lays depressingly empy.

For further info, here is a screen capture of the advanced settings for the NAS


RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - TheOldPresbyope - 02-22-2021


I'm confused. I keep seeing screen captures which show the path to your NAS share is "MOODE/NAS". Really? The hostname of the NAS is "MOODE"? The name of the SMB share on the NAS is "NAS"?

My counterexample, my OpenMediaVault NAS is on a host named "OMV-HC1" at IP address and the SMB share is prosaically named "Music". 

My LAN does not have a local DNS server so I have to tell moOde the path to the music source is either "OMV-HC1.local/Music" or "". Either works fine.

Meanwhile, as Tim keeps saying, examine the MPD log to see what it's doing with the tracks it discovers. Yes, your syntax is incorrect. The invocation is "cat   /var/log/mpd/log", e.g., with one or more spaces separating the command cat from the filename.


PS - For every rule there's an exception lurking somewhere, but generally speaking, Internet hostnames are not case sensitive. I can have entered omv-hc1 or Omv-Hc1, etc. They all work with Linux.

RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - Marrahm - 02-23-2021

Consider using NFS to access your Synology NAS.  That’s what I’ve been using and even with the 64bit kernel it works perfectly.  When i setup the NFS permissions in the synology, I use “moode.*” (or whatever you rename it) rather than the IP address.  That works better than IP and means I don’t have to fix the IP for the player.


RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - TheOldPresbyope - 02-23-2021

Both SMB and NFS worked for me. There's arguments for each so choose your poison.

On the Synology DSM Edit Shared Folder <folder name> page you can choose to create or edit rules. Looking at the Create/Edit NFS Rule page you'll find this information:

Quote:* You may specify a host in three ways:
  • Single host
  • Wildcards: *, *
  • Network segment:,

where the text following the colons ( : ) is just illustrative examples.

Keep in mind you can have more than one rule per folder.

The network segment line illustrates two forms of range block specification: subnet mask ( and classless Inter-domain routing aka CIDR ( Consult Wikipedia.
I currently use "" which allows all hosts in the range to access my NAS but I'm doing a rethink of my topology and sometime soon likely will restrict access to just 64 addresses.


RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - kromabus - 02-28-2021

I was away for a few days and upon my return I did remount the NAS source with great success Smile

All my problems were down to a single and quite simple error in fact. At first I did try to edit manually the path to my NAS library but it did not work, probably because I did not extend the range beyond the IP address as shown below


Then I did run a scan on my LAN and picked as target MOODE/NAS which looked promising. And that seemed right at first because it returned a green tick in the Config menu.


After reading your comments I did unmount the music volume and ran a second scan. Then I found the name I gave to my NAS in the drop down list, and used Edit to point the path precisely to the Music folder.


Also I did tweak the NFS settings from the NAS to include 'all users' in the squash options


There is an earlier post on the forum which gives more info on that topic for Synology NAS users

I can now enjoy Moode's full acoustic potential from the comfort of my couch with an iPad and a good pair of headphones.

Many thanks for all the help I got from both developers and more seasoned users.

RE: Moode does not link up to NAS music library - DRONE7 - 02-28-2021

Well done for persisting !! Great outcome, and thank you for marking as Solved. :-)