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Official moOde 8 support thread - Printable Version

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RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Wheel_nut - 04-12-2022

Hi Tim, I don't know whether my experience is related to the post above but when I installed moOde 8.0, I could not get any sound output until I toggled the Volume Control setting from Hardware to Software and back again.

This was consistent on the two installations that I updated. I am using a HiFiBerry DAC+ I2S Hat on a RPi 3B.


RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Marrahm - 04-15-2022

CamillaDSP freezing?

I’m using the same filters I ran for the last version of Moode. Works fine for a few minutes, usually less than 10 and then sound abruptly stops. Although play counter on Moode continues. Pipeline says everything still “running” although the L and R sound bars no longer move.

I’m reasonably confident it has something to do with Camilla and my filters are not issue b/c it seems to do it even when switched to “flat” in Camilla and it does not happen if I turn Camilla off.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting? This did not happen under last version of Moode.

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Jedrek - 04-21-2022

After upgrading from 7.6.1 to 8.0.2, I now have a lightning bolt in the top right corner on the LCD screen. In addition, the Power LED does not light up at all.
Nothing was changed except updating the system. I know that it applies to the power manager, but is it possible to somehow restore the LED operation and make the yellow lightning disappear on the LCD?
I know that the solution is to change the power supply, but I am asking for a software solution.

This solution: only clear a yellow lightning and red led light up.
System info noticed:
Throttled bitmask = 0x50005
Throttled text = Under-voltage detected, Currently throttled, Under-voltage has occurred, Throttling has occurred

After going back to version 7.6.1, everything is back to normal. I do not have a lightning bolt icon, the supply voltage is the same as with version 8.0.2. I have no speed throttle.
System info noticed:
Throttled bitmask = 0x0

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Busybox - 04-22-2022

I backed up everything on my 7.6.1 system, did an image update to 8.0.2, and restored everything from my backup. Everything seemed to work fine except:

1. Nothing happens when I click on the "Audio Info" entry under the "M" menu. (I rarely look at this, except after upgrades/updates to make sure things look sane.) If I click on the bit rate displayed under a radio station's artwork, the "Audio Info" display does come up on the "Station" tab, but when I click on the "Playback" tab, nothing happens.

Update: This appears to be a problem with Chrome (v100.0.4896.127). Edge and Safari work fine.

2. The default playlist is blank. I know the playlist wasn't backed up in previous backup versions, but I thought this had been implemented as of 7.6.1?


- Steve

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Tim Curtis - 04-22-2022

Clear Browser cache.

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - PERRLA - 04-23-2022

Hello, I'm not sure if I should post this here or start a new thread. My pi4b unit was confirmed working with volumio but I want to use moode. Could someone please confirm if I have the steps correct when setting up a raspberry pi4b with moode audio?

I download the moode to my PC, reformatted the SD card, used Balena Etcher to flash from file to the sd card, insert SD card in to pi4b, insert ethernet cable, plug in power source. Nothing happens, when I use the app, FING, I don't see the pi on the network.

Not sure where to go from here. Thanks for any help.

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - DRONE7 - 04-23-2022

Quote: Nothing happens, when I use the app, FING, I don't see the pi on the network.

Nothing ? No Power LED ? No activity LEDs ?     Then check that the power supply connections are made and that the switch is on.

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Wheel_nut - 04-23-2022

Perrla. Have you followed the instructions to set up moOde to connect to your network, either using the Ethernet cable method or the moOde "hotspot" method?


RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - PERRLA - 04-23-2022

(04-23-2022, 08:36 AM)DRONE7 Wrote:
Quote: Nothing happens, when I use the app, FING, I don't see the pi on the network.

Nothing ? No Power LED ? No activity LEDs ?     Then check that the power supply connections are made and that the switch is on.

The red power light is on and beside it a green light flickers for a short period but then stops.  I've been running moode for the past year but it stopped working a month ago. I was running an older version so thought perhaps I should install the latest. I can install volumio using the "hotspot" method.  The direct ethernet cable in method did not seem to work for moode or volumio.  The hotspot method does not work with moode, ie.  I don't see moode as an option in my wifi settings.

RE: Official moOde 8 support thread - Sehnsucht - 04-23-2022

Has anything changed regarding Samba in v8.0.2?  I've just upgraded and everything's fine except I can't see my USB drive via the Android app x-plore.  I can see my v7 instance, and other shares (on other linux boxes - both Pis and Ubuntu) from the app.  And I can see my v8.0.2 USB share from my Ubuntu desktop, so I know moode is configured correctly.  And I can control the mpd (see all tracks, and play them) on the v7 and v8.0.2 instance from the same phone I'm having problems with x-plore from, so there's no network problem there.   And this phone/app combination worked fine before I upgraded to v8.0.2. 

I've tried samba v1 and 2.

The error when using samba v1 is: " This client does not support the negotiated dialect"
and v2 is "invalid SMB status: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".

It's not the end of the world for me - I'm far more likely to manage the music from a desktop - but it might cause problems for people who exclusively use that app/android/whatever this problem involves.