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Android UI hangs
I started using Moode for 2 weeks, I started with Squeeze on Android because no app for Moode. But a week ago I found out that Chrome shortcut of Moode looks really good (like an app), so I have been using it since.
Last night, for some reason, the UI, on my phone, was not responding anymore, since then, it allows me one click and freeze.
I tried on my tablet, same thing.
on W10 browser, I'm able to click through stuff, but when starting a song or starting a radio, the UI freezes for a minute, the song still plays while frozen. Same thing if I pause a song, freeze for a minute.

I'm usually using Wifi, so I tried wired, same thing.
Everything was going fine until last night.
I browsed through some threads here, but didn't really find a fix.

I have to say that before all that happened, I was playing with MDP config in moode UI, changing sample rates, but ended up disabling it. I then kept it on for an hour or two, and when I went back to Moode with my phone, at that time it froze.

RPi 3 B+
Hifiberry dac+pro
Moode 6.7.1
I guess that it can only be two causes:
- your home network
- (my primary suspect) changes made to the build

Get a brand new good brand 16 GB uSD card and run a new v. 6.7.1 build.
Yeah Confused 

I confess I don't quite follow your description of the behavior of your various browsers, in particular the temporary "freezing" of your W10 browser, but this bit jumped out at me:

Quote:  I found out that Chrome shortcut of Moode looks really good (like an app)

I assume this means you opened http://moode in your Chrome browser and then used the Chrome "Add to Home Screen" function to give you a shortcut.

I don't know the details but I suspect that Chrome saves some of its existing state in the shortcut. If you then make changes to the moOde configuration, your browser (client) and your moOde player (server) may contain inconsistent information.

Can you open the moOde WebUI in a fresh browser instance? If you can, then simply delete the old shortcut and create a new one.

Yes I was referring to "Add to home Screen" on Android.

I tried with different browser on Android or W10, same results.

I'm reinstalling Moode now, trying without the MPD_oled first and I will see.

Update: New install seems to work.

I will re-install mpd_oled then
looks like the mpd_oled install is messing things up.
I don't get it, it worked well for a week and now even with new install, it's not working anymore.
Same thing, UI hangs on W10 browser after click Play or Pause.
On Android, Chrome or other browser, UI just hangs after first click.
I'm going to have to show that to Adrian.
(09-11-2020, 03:59 PM)Alaini93 Wrote: On Android, Chrome or other browser, UI just hangs after first click.

I had a similar experience: web browser interface became really slow (unusable) not long after installing MoOde (I am a first time user: raspberry pi zero, phat DAC, klipsch igroove).

I discovered that I was unwittingly adding things to the queue and my queue was becoming longer and longer. Once I cleared the queue, the web interface was working fine again. Phew!

Now I use Clear/Play instead of Play.

PS, I don't think this is particular to Android - I think it would happen in any browser.

I hope this helps.
This is old,
My problem is that I'm wittingly leaving RPi on, and after 20 minutes or so of pause or playing Spotify, chromium's memory goes up and crashes RPi.
Still not resolved, I ordered a new screen with DSI connection instead of HDMI, I will see tonight if it was, in fact, the problem.

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