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Spotify Connect: Default User, Default Volume Level

Is it possible to configure moOde with a default user for Spotify Connect, as well as a default volume level? When not being controlled by another user, I would like Spotify Connect to register with a default user account, which makes it available to my home automation. Additionally, I've noticed all connections start at zero volume and I would like to set a higher default.

Thank you!
I don;t know of a way to specify default credentials because its the client credentials that are used to automatically authenticate to Spotify Connect.

Look in the Spotify Connect settings for "Initial volume" setting.
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(09-24-2023, 10:43 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I don;t know of a way to specify default credentials because its the client credentials that are used to automatically authenticate to Spotify Connect.

Look in the Spotify Connect settings for "Initial volume" setting.

Thank you! I found that initial volume setting!

Looking at librespot itself, it appears it takes a username and a password as options. When I had a raspotify setup, it would allow both a default user and then other users to take control. I'd love to test this, but can't quite figure out where the librespot binary is being executed at start to add the user and password switches as a test. Any thoughts?


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