I was wondering if anyone here would know how i could stream the output of foobar to moodeaudio. In effect moode would just voice whatever foobar is playing over the network. With foobar being a "radio station" of sorts and all controls and song swapping done via foobar.
My setup:
[Laptop with foobar] --- [Network switch] --- [RPi 3B With Moode 3.81]
There are a few communication protocols within moode which i dont fully understand. Hence the post.
Would appreciate any feedback.
I was wondering if anyone here would know how i could stream the output of foobar to moodeaudio. In effect moode would just voice whatever foobar is playing over the network. With foobar being a "radio station" of sorts and all controls and song swapping done via foobar.
My setup:
[Laptop with foobar] --- [Network switch] --- [RPi 3B With Moode 3.81]
There are a few communication protocols within moode which i dont fully understand. Hence the post.
Would appreciate any feedback.