01-20-2022, 06:32 PM
I've just started using Moode and in the process of setting it up and getting it going I've done a few things that I thought I'd share.
In my place I've got a Rpi4 connected to my Integra AVR over HDMI. I wanted the AVR to turn on, change to the proper input and set the volume when Moode started playing audio. I also wanted it to turn off after nothing had been playing for a bit.
Here's how I did it:
- installed onkyo-eiscp (github for that project is here: https://github.com/miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp)
- then I made sure it was working. My Integra AVR is an older unit so it isn't auto-discoverable by eiscp
- But I know the IP address I've given the AVR so these work
I found here on the forum that someone had written a bit of python to control relays when moode started / stopped playing - so I adapted that script. Thanks to the person who wrote that one! (original script was here: https://gist.github.com/michaelfdeberry/...1a7e09f3de)
(this is also in the attached zip file)
This worked fine from the command line, so I then added it as a system service, as the relay controller did:
- Save the contents of onkyotoggle.service script to /lib/systemd/system/onkyotoggle.service
(this is also in the attached zip file)
- set it going in systemd
I've just started using Moode and in the process of setting it up and getting it going I've done a few things that I thought I'd share.
In my place I've got a Rpi4 connected to my Integra AVR over HDMI. I wanted the AVR to turn on, change to the proper input and set the volume when Moode started playing audio. I also wanted it to turn off after nothing had been playing for a bit.
Here's how I did it:
- installed onkyo-eiscp (github for that project is here: https://github.com/miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp)
$ sudo pip3 install onkyo-eiscp
- then I made sure it was working. My Integra AVR is an older unit so it isn't auto-discoverable by eiscp
$ onkyo --discover
(returns nothing, not a shock.)
- But I know the IP address I've given the AVR so these work
$ onkyo --host power=on
unknown-model: system-power = on
$ onkyo --host source=query
unknown-model: input-selector = video2,cbl,sat
I found here on the forum that someone had written a bit of python to control relays when moode started / stopped playing - so I adapted that script. Thanks to the person who wrote that one! (original script was here: https://gist.github.com/michaelfdeberry/...1a7e09f3de)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import eiscp.script
defaultDelay = 5 #seconds
playbackDelay = 300 #seconds
currentState = False # the current state
def isRunning():
return "RUNNING" in os.popen('cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm*/sub*/status | grep RUNNING').read().split()
while True:
if isRunning() and not currentState:
receiver = eiscp.eISCP('') # 125 = integra
receiver.command('power on')
currentState = True
print("onkyo Activated")
elif not isRunning() and currentState:
# delay again on playback stops to account for track changes
# we wait longer to shut down, in case there's a device swap or whatever
if isRunning():
# if it's running don't deactivate the realay
print("Playback resumed, cancelling deactivation")
# deactivate the relay
receiver = eiscp.eISCP('') # 125 = integra
receiver.command('power off')
currentState = False
print("Onkyo Deactivated")
print("No State Change...")
(this is also in the attached zip file)
This worked fine from the command line, so I then added it as a system service, as the relay controller did:
- Save the contents of onkyotoggle.service script to /lib/systemd/system/onkyotoggle.service
Description=MoOde Onkyo Toggle Daemon
ExecStart=python3 onkyotoggle.py
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
(this is also in the attached zip file)
- set it going in systemd
$ sudo systemctl enable onkyotoggle
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/onkyotoggle.service → /lib/systemd/system/onkyotoggle.service.
$ sudo service onkyotoggle start