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Album art
Just started using moode audio again after a while of. Realy like it Smile
When I scroll through my albums I notice that some album art looks awesome while other look like crap. Why is that? If I open the same file in windows it looks great.

In Library Options You can control the resolution of the cover thumbs using the "Hi-res thumbnails" setting.

Covers are converted to Jpeg format using logic that attempts to maintain small file sizes and high image quality. The pixel ratio of the device is also considered. Generally is the source image is good quality the resulting thumbnail image will be same.

if ($hires_thm == 'Auto') {
    if ($pixel_ratio == 2) {
        $thm_w = 200;
        $thm_q = 75;
    elseif ($pixel_ratio >= 3) {
        $thm_w = 400;
        $thm_q = 50;
    else {
        $thm_w = 100;
        $thm_q = 75;
else {
    // manual
    $thm_w = substr($hires_thm, 0, 3); // only the numeric part ex: 100px
    $thm_q = 75;
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks Smile
Changed from embedded to cover image and now it looks great Smile
Coolness :-)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub

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