If all album art would be loaded at the start of the client, it would uses a huge amount of resources.
To prevent that moOde use a thirdparty jquery library called [url=* http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload]lazyload[/url].
For some time a number of browser supportthe native lazy loading attribute, see for browser support https://caniuse.com/#feat=loading-lazy-attr.
It would be great is moOde uses the native lazy loading when present.
When interested I can make a PR for it. Patch is already available here.
To prevent that moOde use a thirdparty jquery library called [url=* http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload]lazyload[/url].
For some time a number of browser supportthe native lazy loading attribute, see for browser support https://caniuse.com/#feat=loading-lazy-attr.
It would be great is moOde uses the native lazy loading when present.
When interested I can make a PR for it. Patch is already available here.