04-29-2021, 09:29 PM
I have a Pi4 plugged into an RME ADI-2 DAC. I have normalization off, and all of the starting volumes in moOde set to 100%.
When I Airplay from Spotify, the RME input meter peaks at around -.5dB as expected.
When I send the same songs to moode via SpotifyConnect, the DAC's input meter is pegged at "OVER" and I swear I hear a hint of clipping.
RME has special WAV files to verify bit-perfect, untouched playback. Moode passes that test when I play them via Airplay, so there seems to be something different about the SpotifyConnect side.
When I Airplay from Spotify, the RME input meter peaks at around -.5dB as expected.
When I send the same songs to moode via SpotifyConnect, the DAC's input meter is pegged at "OVER" and I swear I hear a hint of clipping.
RME has special WAV files to verify bit-perfect, untouched playback. Moode passes that test when I play them via Airplay, so there seems to be something different about the SpotifyConnect side.