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Allo Relay attenuator with Moode 7+
I have been using ALLO relay attenuator for some time (+ - 2 years). Unfortunately, the Relay attenuator control has been lagging for some time (probably since Moode 7).
I have installed the remote control through LIRC and r_attenu according to the instructions. The remote control works when used frequently.
If I do not use the remote control for a few minutes, the LIRC or r_attenu will stop responding to the remote control.
The strange thing is that cmd "mode2 -d / dev / lirc0" responds to the buttons on the remote control, but cmd "irw" has no feedback.
When I hold down any button on the remote control for 15-30 seconds, it starts working.
Can't the system put some LIRC or r_attenu component to sleep after a while?
I've been looking for a solution to a problem for a few weeks now and I don't know what to do.
thanks for advice

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