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Solved: quick convolution filter raw not working
Dear all,
While applying previously working quick convolution filter raw files I now get an error as follows
Config is not valid
Invalid config file!
filters: unknown variant `__IR_FORMAT__`, expected one of `TEXT`, `S16LE`, `S24LE`, `S24LE3`, `S32LE`, `FLOAT32LE`, `FLOAT64LE` at line 17 column 13
Does anyone know how to get this back working.
This applies to all raw files I have tried.
@Rvkno can it be that this/was a moode system 7.2 updated to 7.3?

If so see:
@bitlab, indeed this could explain what I observe.
Will try this out. I note that other camilladsp functionality like pipeline with filters is working fine.
By the way great work on the development, I enjoy it both for listening with headphones (convolution filters) and EQ for room correction with speakers.
I confirm that the suggested solution through the ssh terminal fixes the problem.
Thanks for pointing me to this.

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