(04-10-2023, 07:05 PM)hknoord Wrote: Hello Kent,
Thanks for the reply!
First things first. UPnP operation requires the presence of three functions: UPnP Media Server, UPnP Renderer, and UPnP Control Point.
In a normal situation, moOde is the Renderer, and something like BubbleUPnP/mConnect/Lumin is the Control Point. It's possible that moOde can also be a UPnP Media Server but that is a separate and distinct function. The Media Server could be a NAS or some other local source. And of course there can be more than one present.
In the case of a commercial Internet streaming service like Qobuz (or Tidal or others), a number of Control Point apps can act as a proxy in the following ways. They log into the remote service and collect data which they then can present in their UI (in its UPnP Control Point function) *as if* the information were coming from a local UPnP Media Server and when a track is selected they present to the Renderer a proxy URL which make the track appear *as if* it is in a UPnP Media Server on the Control Point device rather than coming from a remote service..
Quote:Further information I can give is:
I use version 8.3.0 2023-03-14.
I use Lumin for access to Qobuz.
I remember that in earlier version of moode player i had to activate Qobuz by putting the inlog data in Moode player.
That activation method no longer works because Qobuz doesn't like opensource code. It's been removed from moOde.
Quote:In Lumin I find under Music Library Moode DLNA but no "Lumin".
Yes, but this only has to do with moOde being a UPnP Media Server. If you felt the need, you could always configure the moOde server to have the name "Lumin".
Quote:In mConnect control HD I find under Local Server Moode DLNA and clicking on it gives : Please connect the MCONNECT comptable device to your network.
Sorry, how did mConnect enter the discussion? I thought we were discussing behavior with Lumin.
Quote:Moode player controls the HifiBerry DAC Pro + on a raspberry Pi3B.
In Bubble UPnP Server under Media Servers Moode DLNAis active. Under Media renderers Moode UPnP is active in Open Home.
In the past it has worked fine.
This should still work. Since I use BubbleUPnP and mConnectLite, I have my moOde UPnP Rendere set to UPnP-A/V instead of Open Home, but my installation plays both local tracks and Qobuz tracks..
However, I just tried downloading Lumin apps on my Android phone and on my iPad. Both work as expected to play tracks from my local UPnP Media Servers, but neither seems to work with Qobuz. I can give each the same credentials that work in my other Control Points (and the Qobuz Web player for that matter) but neither allows me to discover tracks, playlists, or purchased music. Perhaps I just don't understand Lumin. It gives no indication of a problem but....
You might try a different Control Point app to see if it works.