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How to restart the UPnP renderer automatically after booting?

on my two MoodeOS 8.1.2 installations, I have had the problem for some time that after boot on the UPnP control points the playlist is not displayed.
However, in the web console the playlist is present.

If I then add an item to the (apparently empty) playlist via a UPnP control point (in my case the BubbleUPnP app for Android), the actually existing playlist is overwritten.

As a workaround, I can restart the UPnP renderer in the settings after booting. Then the existing playlist appears again in the BubbleUPnP app.

I suspect there is a timing problem here and the UPnP renderer is started too early.

Now I would like to automate the manual workaround.

How can I best manage that the UPnP renderer is restarted again automatically after the boot process is complete, or is started as the last service?

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