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moOde 8.3.8 is available
Big Grin 

moOde 8.3.8 is available in the Media Player OS section of the Raspberry Pi Imager or as a direct download at :-)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=2728]    

This release is based on RaspiOS Bullseye Lite most recent packages as of 2024-02-14, Linux kernel 6.1.21, our suite of custom drivers and patches, and important new features, updates and bug fixes as listed below.


There are numerous improvements, updates and bug fixes in this release including recently released CamillaDSP 2.0.1, enhancements to the WebUI, Library, Bluetooth and Squeezelite, an experimental HTTPS mode for enhanced security, and a new more powerful REST API.

Date tag
1. Month (YYYYMM) can be added to the date tag to enable albums released by an artist in the same year to sort correctly.
2. The text string "AlbumDate: YYYYMM" can be added to the beginning of the Comment tag to enable compilation albums (where tracks have different dates) to sort correctly.

1. SBC quality mode can be explicitly set 
2. CamillaDSP is supported for inbound connections
3. Multiroom is supported for inbound connections

1. Updated to latest version 1.9.9
2. Audio output defaults to automatically use CamillaDSP when enabled

HTTPS mode
This experimental mode automatically creates a self-signed security certificate and configures NGINX web server in moOde to only accept HTTPS connections. A manual procedure is required to add the self-signed cert to the client OS certificate store so the Browser can connect. We are looking for contributions to help document the manual procedure and make it easier.

Refer to the release notes for details. 

ISO Image

The ISO image does not contain a default userid/password, SSH enabled, WiFi SSID or Access Point password. Refer to the Setup Guide for information on how to easily set these up using the official Raspberry Pi Imager.

In-place update

There is an in-place update available via the "CHECK for software update" button in System Config. Click the VIEW button to read about the contents of the update package. Be sure to BACKUP your system before applying the update.


Take a moment and make a donation to show your appreciation for the effort and dedication that goes into developing and supporting moOde audio player. Your donation helps to ensure the moOde project is able to continue to make great Free Open Source Software for the wonderful Raspberry Pi family of single board computers and DIY audio community :-)

The moOde crew

Release notes

# 2024-02-14 moOde 8.3.8 (Bullseye)


- NEW: Option for secure HTTPS mode (Experimental)


- UPD: Bump to CamillaDSP 2.0.1
- UPD: Bump to mpd2cdspvolsync 1.0.0
- UPD: Bump to squeezelite_1.9.9-1449+git20230814.8581aba-1
- UPD: Add HTTP proxy option to MPD Config
- UPD: Add disc and track to logic for showing now-playing icon in track list
- UPD: Add SBC quality mode option to Bluetooth Control
- UPD: Add mixer name 'A.Mstr Vol' for MERUS(tm) Amp piHAT ZW
- UPD: Update Bluetooth to support Multiroom audio
- UPD: Update Squeezelite to use ALSA _audioout device (support CamillaDSP)
- UPD: Update CDSP Config with new option to Update to latest sample configs
- UPD: Improve help text on the Configs, Preferences and Quick help
- UPD: Improve Audioinfo line height so a bit more info shows on screen
- UPD: Allow for month (YYYYMM) in Date tag to improve Album/Year sort
- UPD: Allow for "AlbumDate: YYYYMM" in Comment tag to improve Album/Year sort
- UPD: Allow @ (at sign) in manually entered SSID in Network Config
- UPD: Display actual station format instead of VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
- UPD: Display month name in Audio info if Date tag contains YYYYMM
- UPD: Trim leading zero from track number in Tag/Album views (for CUE)
- UPD: Refactor REST API commands (refer to Setup Guide for info)
- UPD: Provide visual feedback when play controls are clicked

Bug fixes

- FIX: getEncodedAt() bits assignment for lossy
- FIX: Incorrect index used when switching to Radio view via station click
- FIX: Move Queue item range to end of Queue not working
- FIX: CoverView Automatic display not activating
- FIX: Popup on-screen keyboard not activating
- FIX: Audioinfo not showing correct info for Multiroom receiver
- FIX: Audioinfo not showing correct Audio chain for Squeezelite renderer
- FIX: Browser title not being updated when importing host name
- FIX: Volume not restored correctly when Spotify Connect and CamillaDSP volume
- FIX: Import WiFi country code from Pi Imager not working
- FIX: Chromium fails to start after host name change
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