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Problem: New user, trouble to create library to connect to a synology nas

I'm a new user of moOde. I just installed the last version on a raspberry pi 3 Type B.

I'm able to listen some music when I select a radio link, it's a good start.

I have a synology Nas. I created a new user and gave it access to a folder "music"

I'm able to connect to this folder with my windows 11, \\\music + synology user et password.
There is a folder with 12 music files I'm able to listen on windows.

I tried to create a library like that on moode/configure/library :
Type : Samba
path :
userid : the ne synology user
Password : his password
name : musicnas.

When I hit scan, moode seems to find nothing.
So I addited the path mannually.

When I navigate to the folder musicnas, it's always empty.

I connected in ssh, I tried to mount the path, but this action has to by done un superuser. I don't have the root password. I assume that it's not necessary.

I don't know what to test next ...
Any help would be great.

Other question : I'm use to access my Nas music library thru Upnp. Does moode have this kind of access ?

Thank you.

(04-21-2024, 04:35 PM)sdess Wrote: Hi,

I'm a new user of moOde. I just installed the last version on a raspberry pi 3 Type B.

I'm able to listen some music when I select a radio link, it's a good start.

I have a synology Nas. I created a new user and gave it access to a folder "music"

I'm able to connect to this folder with my windows 11, \\\music + synology user et password.
There is a folder with 12 music files I'm able to listen on windows.

I tried to create a library like that on moode/configure/library :
Type : Samba
path :
userid : the ne synology user
Password : his password
name : musicnas.

When I hit scan, moode seems to find nothing.
So I addited the path mannually.

When I navigate to the folder musicnas, it's always empty.

I connected in ssh, I tried to mount the path, but this action has to by done un superuser. I don't have the root password. I assume that it's not necessary.

I don't know what to test next ...
Any help would be great.

Other question : I'm use to access my Nas music library thru Upnp. Does moode have this kind of access ?

Thank you.


Just leave every field empty (except for the type, that should be SMB) and press the scan button.
A small spinner should appear for a while in the top-right corner fo the screen; wait for that to disappear, and in the path drop down you should see the found shares on your network.
Then chose the relevant one and fill in the user/pwd and you should be done.

Shall you have already tried this exact method and it found nothing, it could be your NAS uses SMB1.0 version which is deprecated. It should be possible to enable it but ATM I cannot remember where/how.

You can also try the procedure, then post the moode log (/var/log/moode.log)

I'm not sure what's going on with your Synology share(s).

I have all my tracks available in an SMB share on an OpenMediaVault server and moOde works very well with it.

Out of frustration because of a number of Synology-related questions in the past, I spun up a now old version of Synology DSM 6.1 as a guest OS in VIrtualBox some years ago (please don't ask how). I have a few test tracks on it, also available in a SMB share. SMBv1.0 protocol support is disabled on this server.

Bottom line: I don't see any difference between the two servers as Music sources for moOde 8.3.9 (or 9.0.0~pre4, for that matter).

One difference from what you describe: the share on my Synology server gives read/write permissions to user "guest" so I don't need to enter a specific username and password. In moOde's Music Source configuration screen, the Userid entry is "guest" and the Password entry is empty. Candidly, I don't believe this is the issue here but I'm not in a position to demonstrate it isn't. I don't want to spend any time fiddling with DSM, past or current.

As an aside, just as Al suggested, SMB shares from both servers show up when I let moOde scan for remote hosts. I can either start there or enter the remote host path manually.

I use a RPI4 exposing a SMB share to the SSD containing the music. In order to access it from moOde, I had to enter the PI credenatials, as guest access was not allowed.

If you want to enable SMB 1.0 support, add "client min protocol=NT1" in /etc/samba/smb.conf in the [global] section and reboot.
I'm sharing from DSM 7.1.1 over Samba. No need for SMB1.0 to be enabled (I've got 2.0 as the minimum that the NAS will allow). I have a user for all my Raspberries to use which is given Read/Write access to the music share on the NAS. The scan never finds the share, but it maps perfectly well with <servername>.local/music manually entered.

I'd check that the user you set up has read/write on the share on the NAS as a first step.
My Music share is from DSM7 7.2.1 over Samba. moode never picked up the share correctly with a scan but "<servername>/Media/Music" entered with the slashes going the opposite way windows wanted them to go worked fine Smile (after several times trying the windows way)
(05-17-2024, 11:34 PM)USSGudgeon Wrote: My Music share is from DSM7 7.2.1 over Samba.  moode never picked up the share correctly with a scan but "<servername>/Media/Music" entered with the slashes going the opposite way windows wanted them to go worked fine Smile (after several times trying the windows way)

Be specific to be terrific.

What does "never picked up the share correctly" mean, exactly. No share paths returned after a scan? Did you get a red x instead of a green checkmark associated with the sharename in the box under Music sources on the Music Library screen? Did you get an error message in the "Click to view mount error" in the Remote host screen? If so, what?

Looking at the Synology site I see a long list of SMB-related changes/fixes in the Release notes for various versions of DSM and of the SMB Service module. I'm not going to trace my way through them, but it feels like nailing jelly to a tree trying to figure why some users encounter difficulties with their Synology NAS.

One thing I noticed is a release note that reads "DSM 7.0.1 by default disables NTLMv1 and enables NTMLv2 only, so SMB clients (e.g., Windows XP devices, media players, network printers, smart TVs, and IP cameras) won’t be able to access your Synology NAS. To restore the connection after the update, go to Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others and enable NTLMv1 authentication."

Considering that, have you read and applied the advice under Advanced/Mount options on the create Music Source screen?

Right now, my moOde 8.3.9 player and my moOde 9.0.0-pre6 test rigs are discovering SMB shares on my DSM 6.1 NAS, my OpenMediaVault NAS, and on my moOde players with SMB service enabled.

Actually returned a shared path that doesn't exist from my NAS. It returned a path from another player on my network (BluSound Node N130 called Stereonode). The share was called "STEREONODE/shared". It never picked up the samba share from the NAS. I know the share exists because the node and all the windows computers have access to it. The scanned share always had a red x next to it no matter what user I tried. It is possible that the node is sharing something that I haven't configured correctly. But the original question was about Synology NAS connectivity. I was only trying to suggest that even small errors in formatting the path can prevent the connection.

I have it all happily working now but since you asked I thought I would provide more information.
When I was trying to make the scanned share work I did look at the errors generated. I did go back and re-trace my steps. and copied the errors below

20240517 180709 worker: Try (mount -t cifs "//STEREONODE/shared" -o username="node",password="XXXXXX)",rsize=61440,wsize=65536,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.1.1,ro,noserverino,cache=none,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 "/mnt/NAS/NASMusic")
20240517 180709 worker: Err (mount error(2): No such file or directory
20240517 181048 worker: Try (mount -t cifs "//STEREONODE/shared" -o username="node",password="XXXXXX)",rsize=61440,wsize=65536,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.1.1,ro,noserverino,cache=none,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 "/mnt/NAS/Music")
20240517 181048 worker: Err (mount error(2): No such file or directory
20240519 133231 worker: Try (mount -t cifs "//STEREONODE/shared" -o username="node",password="XXXXXX)",rsize=61440,wsize=65536,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.1.1,ro,noserverino,cache=none,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 "/mnt/NAS/nodemusic")
20240519 133231 worker: Err (mount error(2): No such file or directory


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