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Solved: Compilation album broken by non-null Composer tag
Hello all, 

Some of my itune ripped CD exhibit a problem with compilation album split into by track artist even if I have the album artist tagged with "Various Artists", whether the Composer field is not empty. 

Are there any fix to bring the album back together in the library -> album view? 

I'm not sure I understand the issue.

Does the album appear correctly when clicking on "Various Artists" in the artist list?
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Tim, thanks for your swift response.
No the album won't show in tag view when I filter artist list by "Various Artists". I think I have the answer now. iTunes won't write the album artist tag correctly as "Various Artists". Despite I see it that way with foobar2000.
I shall explicitly save the album artist field to tell moOde it is a compilation album.
Thanks again.

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