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Disaple Pinch in Kiosk Mode
Would it be possible to add the ability to disable pinch and zooom on the local display. I have a screen that seems very sensitive to touches and constantly zooms in when we don't want it to then won't easily reset.

I have added the following to the /home/.xinitrc file:

chromium-browser --app="http://localhost/" \
--window-size="$SCREENSIZE" \
--window-position="0,0" \
--enable-features="OverlayScrollbar" \
--no-first-run \
--disable-infobars \
--disable-session-crashed-bubble \

Which makes the local display (for me) so much more usable. If this is not practical I can re-edit the file after an upgrade. However, to make it configurable would be great.
What make and model is the screen?
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It is a WIMAXIT M728 7” Touch Monitor
I have one of their nice 10" screens and the "pinch to zoom" seems to works fine although it never happens when navigating moode WebUI because all navigation in moode is one finger touch.

Whats the usage scenario in your case where zoom gets activated?
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This happens more to my wife than me so I will re-enable it and see if I can work out what is happening.

It may be a little tme before I get back with examples.

Hi Tim

OK I think I can reproduce this but not every time!

If I touch, release and touch again but the second time hold and then drag, all in quick succession it seems to cause the screen to zoom in slightly and the whole screen becomes dragable. This is on the main playing screen. So this mostly happens when trying to adjust the volume with a shaky finger. Though I think we have managed to create the same problem when trying to scroll through the library. I can try and record a video of this if it would be useful.

BTW I seem to have lost the volume circle. I thought this might have been because of the cahnge I made but reversing out that change and rebooting (to try and create this issue) did not bring it back.

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