Yes technically it's possible. For example the simple JS code below will open a PDF file in a new Browser tab using the Browsers native PDF viewer.
The challenging part is the implementation because there a several moving parts. It would be something like this.
In the file: /var/www/inc/mpd.php, function enhanceMetadata() there is the line below that gets the URL to the cover art image.
$current['coverurl'] = '/coverart.php/' . rawurlencode($song['file']);
Add a new line right below it for example.
$current['pdfurl'] = getPDF($song['file']);
Create the new function getPDF() in /var/www/inc/mpd.php. It accepts the path to the song file and returns the URL to a PDF file if it exists in the song file containing directory (the album directory).
In file /var/www/js/playerlib.js at an appropriate location check the value of MPD.json['pdfurl'] and if its not blank then inject some html with id="
SELECTOR-NAME" that would display a clickable badge [PDF] maybe in one of the lower corners of the cover art.
Put the click handler somewhere in playerlib.js or scripts-panels.js
$(document).on('click', 'SELECTOR-NAME' function(e) {['pdfurl']);
Maybe an interested dev will work out the details and contribute a PR to the repo :-)