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Waveshare 5.5 AMOLED Display rotate
Hi :
I just installed Moode 9.2.6 on my Raspberry Pi 5 and encountered some issues, 
so I need help on the forum.

I’m using a Waveshare 5.5-inch AMOLED HDMI display.
Its native resolution is 1080x1920 in portrait mode.
I can adjust the screen orientation in the "Peripheral Setup" section,
but it only offers "landscape" and "portrait" modes.
Currently, the display is in horizontal mode but rotated 180 degrees (upside down).

Is there a way to rotate it 180 degrees? ( e.g. command to rotate 90,180,270 degree )

Thank you !
(Yesterday, 03:08 PM)dewen Wrote: Use Web SSH with command
DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right
The screen rotate to correct place.

For Touch rotate, I followed Touch Rotation from Waveshare Wiki
90 degree: Option "CalibrationMatrix" "0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1"

My problem is, how can I add DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right
to an autostart file when boot, so I don't need to do it again.

Thank you. 
You can edit the ~/.xinitrc and add the xrandr command there.
Have you tried in the peripheral config to set the display as HDMI and rotated ?

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