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Watch movie on Moode : Install Kodi ?
I just switched from Volumio to Moode and that's excellent! The only missing part now is to be able to watch movie using HDMI: I have a projector plugged to my RPI3 HDMI and I'd like to use the DAC for the audio.

On volumio, I used Kodi (t was a plugin:

On Moode, what would be the best solution?

I tried to install Kodi (`sudo apt-get install kodi`), the installation looks successful, but then I don't know what how to do Sad
I read but it did not help me.

Did somebody already successfully installed Kodi on Moode? Or do you have a better/easier solution? I would also love to be able to watch movies using a browser (chrome or others) to be able to use paying platforms.

My setup:
- RPI3
- Allo Boss DAC (+Allo Volt Amp)
- Projector on HDMI
- Movie on samba
You're probably best using Libreelec instead.

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