I like my moOde interface to follow my macOS system appearance settings (light mode during the day, dark mode in the evening). The default and Whiteshade themes fit that bill perfectly so here's a few commands to automatically switch between the two at given times of the day.
1. Setup
2. lightmode.sh
3. darkmode.sh
4. Make the scripts executable
5. Run the scripts at specific times (06:30 lightmode, 20:00 darkmode)
1. Setup
cd /home/pi
mkdir scripts
cd scripts
2. lightmode.sh
sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "UPDATE cfg_system SET value = 'Whiteshade' WHERE id = 88;"
3. darkmode.sh
sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "UPDATE cfg_system SET value = 'Default' WHERE id = 88;"
4. Make the scripts executable
chmod +x lightmode.sh
chmod +x darkmode.sh
5. Run the scripts at specific times (06:30 lightmode, 20:00 darkmode)
crontab -e
30 6 * * * /home/pi/scripts/lightmode.sh
0 20 * * * /home/pi/scripts/darkmode.sh
sudo service cron restart