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Change Mpd configuration

I'd like to modify the mpd.conf file with some options that are not exposed in the http://moode/mpd-config.php page.  I noticed that directly editing the mpd.conf file doesn't really persist after Moode has updated that config file.  Is there a way for me to make my own changes to the mpd.conf file?
There is a tweak developed by @bitlab that can persist customizations to mpd.conf but I haven't personally used it and so will need to have a look at the code to refresh my memory of how it works.

What exactly are the customizations you want to experiment with?

I'll test the dev tweak with them.
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(01-03-2023, 02:00 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: There is a tweak developed by @bitlab that can persist customizations to mpd.conf but I haven't personally used it and so will need to have a look at the code to refresh my memory of how it works.

What exactly are the customizations you want to experiment with?

I'll test the dev tweak with them.

I was trying to use the mpd options verify_peer and verify_host. I was trying to find a way to stream from a https mp3 stream that is served from a http server that has a goofy cert. For some reason, probably my error, I couldn't get http to work.    http is working now so I can stream the WORT station.
@mvidalz22 mpd modifications are based on merging the generated mpd file and your own wanted mods.

How to:
* Open a terminal prompt to your moode settup
* Place the file with your mods in /etc/mpd.custom.conf  (only the mods, not the entire file)
* Enable the dev tweaks for it:
   moodeutl -A add 32768
* [New] Due some changes in moode it is now also required to remove the original mpd.conf:
   sudo rm /etc/mpd.conf
* Restart moode to run the merge:
   moodeutl -r

You can inpsect the merged output in /etc/mpd.conf.
If you want to disable the option again:
* Disable the dev tweaks for it:
   moodeutl -A rm 32768
* [New] Due some changes in moode it is now also required to remove the original mpd.conf:
   sudo rm /etc/mpd.conf
* Restart moode to run the merge:
   moodeutl -r

You can find more info about mpd conf modifications in:
* The thread 
* The github issue

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