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Solved: Update library hangs unpredictably while scanning SMB share on a Fritzbox router
(03-09-2025, 06:36 PM)skr91 Wrote: I'll look for the log
Supposing there was a glitch of some sort, would I find some error warning?
Are you using a wifi dongle to have wifi 5ghz on a rp3?
Does it make a tangible difference when playing music with Moode?
My rp3 is close to the router with no walls in between
I must say the system now is smooth and quick, evidently sourcing the data via the fritzbox ' Nas service was a bottleneck

Possibly you'll see a relevant error message in the standard MPD or moOde logs but many slip under the radar. You could enable Debug logging in moOde's m > Config > System screen to gather more detailed info (don't forget to disable this when you're done).

You might also look for relevant errors in the OS system log on the OMV host but that's a story for another day Smile

Like the RPi 3 B+, the RPi 3A+ WiFi subsystem supports both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. However, the RPi 3A+ has only 512 MB of memory, only one USB 2.0 port, and no Ethernet interface so I don't  recommend it as a  NAS host, just as a compact moOde player.

I use 5 GHz WiFi because I live in a residential neighborhood with dozens of  2.4 GHz APs detectable on my hosts and presumably even more 2.4 GHz clients are present. Then there's lots of 2.4 GHz Bluetooth devices and plenty of microwave ovens which operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band.


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