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Solved: Moode 6.71 and nfs on ds216se
Hi to all,
I'm a little confused. I red some thread and everybody says that nfs is a lot better than samba, and for my knowledge it true.
I configure my synology nfs with the 0/24 and mapping all user to admin option.
I tried to connect from windows and I succeed without problems.
I tried from Moode, no way. I connect in ssh, create a directory and tried to connect; same as the mpd log: the server denied the access Sad
My command is: sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/synology 

The two unit are in the same subnet: 1.101 Moode and 1.117 the nas

Someone have some hint?


If I could connect the samba share without problems.

Synology's DSM is built on Linux. Unlike Windows, the Linux file system naming scheme is case sensitive.

Quote:My command is: sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/synology

I'll bet if you try lower-case "volume1" this command will work.

Hint: the actual shared path name is shown to you in the "Edit Shared Folder Music" panel in DSM, or at least it is in the virtual DSM3615XS machine I keep around for testing. In the lower left of the panel I see

Quote:Mount path:/volume1/Music
Full disclosure: I am no Synology expert. I have a hard time equating the DSM GUI options with the Linux parameters I know, or even finding the DSM option I need to use to set a parameter I need, so don't expect more detailed HowTo info from me.

(11-15-2020, 02:59 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @ArturoKiwi

Synology's DSM is built on Linux. Unlike Windows, the Linux file system naming scheme is case sensitive.

Quote:My command is: sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/synology

I'll bet if you try lower-case "volume1" this command will work.

Hint: the actual shared path name is shown to you in the "Edit Shared Folder Music" panel in DSM, or at least it is in the virtual DSM3615XS machine I keep around for testing. In the lower left of the panel I see

Quote:Mount path:/volume1/Music
Full disclosure: I am no Synology expert. I have a hard time equating the DSM GUI options with the Linux parameters I know, or even finding the DSM option I need to use to set a parameter I need, so don't expect more detailed HowTo info from me.


Hi Kent, you're absolutely right! Or half right  Big Grin

It is "volume1", I don't know why I have a memory of something that I read with the capital letter. 
So the right path, for my nas, is:


The trhead could be marked Solved.
You can change to solved by editing your post #1
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(11-15-2020, 03:35 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: You can change to solved by editing your post #1


Thank you

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