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Where can I link Last FM?

I'm trying out Moode 7.0.1 and I'm looking where I can link Last FM so that the songs that I play show up in Last FM.

Can someone let me know where I can add the credentials?
The Last.FM daemon from Moode 6.x was removed because it broke. In version 7.x you can manually install an alternative:
Enable SSH in Moode, then ssh into your Moode from a terminal. Login: pi. Password: moodeaudio.
Install mpdscribble:

sudo apt-get install mpdscribble
sudo systemctl enable mpdscribble

Edit the /etc/mpdscribble.conf with your user name and password.

sudo systemctl start mpdscribble
Takk @hestehandler , that works.

Do I have to enable it every time through the command line if the Pi was rebooted?
(12-24-2020, 01:30 PM)FrenkieB Wrote: Do I have to enable it every time through the command line if the Pi was rebooted?

Nope. Setting the daemon to ‘enable’ enables it across reboots (and so far any Moode updates).
Everything is working. Case closed.

The 'case' is closed if you do this:

Cheers, was disappointed that scrobbling had gone missing.
mpdscribble makes it so easy!
Maybe a dev will volunteer their time to add mpdscribble to the build recipe and WebUI for easy configuration :-)
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(12-24-2020, 12:28 PM)hestehandler Wrote: The Last.FM daemon from Moode 6.x was removed because it broke.
This is really sad, I loved that feature (and the easy configuration in moode). Hopefully, it comes back some day. Undecided
Hi everyone, thanks for this old thread, it helped me to get Last.Fm scrobbling working. I am comparing Volumio with MoodeAudio, and for both I have the scrobbler working, so I can focus on other features for comparison

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