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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
I tried again.
Loaded a clean install of Moode, set it up to be use properly. Let it run all evening, no problem chromium stayed at 13-16 %.
So I started installing the binary, with 2 ssh windows, so I could see if chromium was moving.
the problem is

sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "update cfg_system set value=1 where param='extmeta'" && mpc add ""

not the mpd_oled install line, like I thought previously.

So what is this line for? is it to activate "Metadata file" in System/Local Services? and doing something else more?

And even if I go back in System/Local Services and switch it off, reboot, chromium now is increasing right away.
Hi Alain

Strange. The intention of the line is to replicate what would happen by clicking on the setting in the UI (to avoid having to leave the command line). I used it yesterday on a clean install and looking at the UI now the  Metadata file setting is ON, and so it still works for that. In which case there are two main possibilities: the Moode UI is doing something else when applying the setting, or the setting itself is giving you a problem. Try turning the setting off in the UI, and save, and turn it on again, and save. That should likely apply anything else that Moode might apply when turning the setting on.

I will rerun again going to the UI this time and see if it makes a difference.
I tried to use Vilvadi instead of chromium, like Kent suggested before, but again here, a problem with Vivaldi, not working on local display and make the system sluggish.
But I was able to make the spectrum work with your new script, with Vilvadi. I mean, kind of work, when the song was playing the bars were not rising like they use to do, the bars were staying very low in the spectrum, I had to come close to be able to see them. But that can be because of my system, who knows.
I can't believe I am the only one with this problem here.
Hi Alain

Thanks for the feedback on the audio copy method using ALSA.

Did you leave the display running for very long? mpd_oled specifies a cava setting that adjusts the bar height over time, so if the spectrum bars start at a low level then they should rise over time (for the same kind of audio).

Hi Adrian,
So it looks like it's working now, I did a clean install of Moode, and while I was going through Moode settings I turned ON the metadata file and did few reboots and chromium was not moving, so it's good.
I, then, installed the binary without the line

sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "update cfg_system set value=1 where param='extmeta'" && mpc add ""

then install your new script, rebooted, and run the line

mpd_oled -o6 -c alsa,hw:Loopback,1

chromium still not ramping up  Smile

Big clock shows, bars show while playing, but it seems that they are dependent of the volume.
I was running low volume on Moode and the bars were barely visible. I don't remember seeing this behavior on the original setting.

But now, how to keep it running? how to install the service?
Hi Alain

Thanks for letting me know. I will be interesting to see if there are any more reports of this.

mpd_oled is installed as a service with 'mpd_oled_service_edit'

ok, thanks.
And where are all the files, like main.cpp?
Hi Alain

The files are in the mpd_oled repository. You might want to look at the instructions for installing from source

(03-19-2021, 05:50 PM)adrii Wrote: I just made a fresh install of Moode 7.1 and followed the instructions for making a copy using an ALSA configuration given at

It is working correctly although is a "little" unresponsive on a Pi Zero, as the CPU is generally running 95% - 100%. It looks llike Cava uses maybe 1.5x CPU with ALSA input compared to FIFO input. And, although I am using the flat setting on the Graphic Equaliser maybe that is also contributing some CPU usage (?).

Anyway, I am making good progress on the U8G2 version of mpd_oled, and this reduces the CPU usage by around 4% (of total available CPU) compared to the Adafruit library, which might be enough to restore the responsiveness, maybe...


Hi Adrian,
in /etc/modules i have this:


so in etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf what i have to write inside?
Hi officialsm

You should add add a line to `/etc/modules`

And in `/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf` you should have
options snd-aloop index=-2


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