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Problem: WIFI connection issue
Hello to everyone,
I'm running 7.4.1 on a USB signature player and have been running 7.2.0 for a while. Issue I'm going to report is valid for the two distributions.
Unit is connected to the network with Ethernet. I can configure the Wifi connection with no trouble. It reports level -57dBm. Moode interface may be reached either by Ethernet or Wifi. As soon as Ethernet cable is disconnected, Wifi access does not work any more. Wifi IP address is not pingable. When the unit is restarted, I have to connect the Ethernet cable to reach the interface. Going back to network setup, I noticed the WIFI mode switched to Access point. I have no clue on how to sort this out. Does anyone is having an idea?
Thank you very much
What WiFi adapter is being used?

AP mode will be activated if no IP address was assigned to wlan0 interface after waiting for up to 9 seconds. There should be entries in the Moode startup log like below.

worker: wlan0 trying SSID (name)
worker: wlan0 no IP addr for SSID (name)
worker: wlan0 AP mode started

Normally WiFi clients associate to Router and get an IP address almost instantly. Try rebooting Router.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks Tim, I will look at the Wifi model in a short while. I'm currently enjoying musicWink I'll let you know. However the thing that puzzles me is the deconnection of the ethernet cable that shutdows the wifi connection at the very same time. I have no problem to connect to the wifi interface when the ethernet cable is plugged in. I have problem either to setup wifi. How could this happen? Weird isn'it?
Here is startup log file. Wifi d'ongle is wlu6331
172650 worker: -- Start
20211101 172650 worker: Successfully daemonized
20211101 172650 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20211101 172652 worker: File check (OK)
20211101 172653 worker: Session vacuumed
20211101 172653 worker: Session loaded
20211101 172653 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20211101 172653 worker: -- Audio debug
20211101 172653 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Head20211101phones | 2:MYDAC | 3:empty
20211101 172653 worker: MPD config: (2:MICROMEGA MYDAC | mixerSadPCM) | card:2)
20211101 172653 worker: ALSA mixer actual (PCM)
20211101 172653 worker: ALSA PCM volume set to (amixer: Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0)
20211101 172653 worker: -- System
20211101 172655 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(playlist)
20211101 172655 worker: Host (moode)
20211101 172656 worker: moOde (7.4.1 2021-10-02)
20211101 172656 worker: RaspiOS (10.6)
20211101 172656 worker: Kernel (5.4.77-v7+ #1371)
20211101 172656 worker: Platform (Allo USBridge SIG [CM3+ Lite 1GB v1.0])
20211101 172656 worker: ARM arch (armv7l, 32-bit kernel)
20211101 172656 worker: MPD ver (0.22.11_p0x3)
20211101 172656 worker: CPU gov (ondemand)
20211101 172656 worker: USB boot not available
20211101 172656 worker: File system not expanded yet
20211101 172656 worker: HDMI port off
20211101 172656 worker: -- Network
20211101 172656 worker: eth0 exists
20211101 172656 worker: IP addr (
20211101 172656 worker: Netmask (
20211101 172656 worker: Gateway (
20211101 172656 worker: Pri DNS (
20211101 172656 worker: Domain (
20211101 172656 worker: wlan0 exists
20211101 172656 worker: wifi country (FR)
20211101 172656 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (saintpierre)
20211101 172656 worker: IP addr (
20211101 172656 worker: Netmask (
20211101 172656 worker: Gateway (
20211101 172656 worker: Pri DNS (
20211101 172656 worker: Domain (
20211101 172656 worker: -- Audio config
20211101 172656 worker: MPD conf update skipped (USB device)
20211101 172656 worker: ALSA card number (2)
20211101 172656 worker: MPD audio output (MICROMEGA MYDAC)
20211101 172657 worker: Audio formats (S32_LE)
20211101 172657 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20211101 172657 worker: MPD mixer type (fixed 0dB)
20211101 172657 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20211101 172657 worker: ALSA output mode (Default: plughw)
20211101 172657 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20211101 172657 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20211101 172657 worker: CamillaDSP (off)
20211101 172657 worker: -- MPD startup
20211101 172657 worker: MPD started
20211101 172657 worker: MPD accepting connections
20211101 172657 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (on)
20211101 172657 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (off)
20211101 172657 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (off)
20211101 172657 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20211101 172657 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20211101 172657 worker: -- Feature availability
20211101 172657 worker: Source select (available)
20211101 172657 worker: Source select (source: MPD)
20211101 172658 worker: Source select (output: MICROMEGA MYDAC)
20211101 172658 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20211101 172658 worker: Airplay renderer (available: started)
20211101 172658 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20211101 172658 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20211101 172658 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20211101 172658 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20211101 172658 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20211101 172658 worker: UPnP renderer (available: started)
20211101 172658 worker: DLNA server (available)
20211101 172658 worker: UPnP browser (available)
20211101 172658 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20211101 172658 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20211101 172658 worker: -- Music sources
20211101 172658 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20211101 172658 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20211101 172658 worker: -- Other
20211101 172658 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20211101 172658 worker: Shellinabox SSH started
20211101 172658 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20211101 172658 worker: LED0 (On)
20211101 172658 worker: LED1 (sysclass does not exist)
20211101 172658 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20211101 172658 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20211101 172658 worker: MPD volume level (0) restored
20211101 172658 worker: ALSA volume level (None)
20211101 172658 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20211101 172658 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hours)
20211101 172658 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20211101 172658 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20211101 172658 worker: Watchdog started
20211101 172658 worker: Ready
I did some more troubleshooting. It turns out that having both Ethernet and Wifi set-up as DHCP triggers the defect, that is (again): disconnecting the Ethernet cable drops the Wifi connection as well. Conversely, having Ethernet cable connected "allows" Wifi connection to get is IP Address from DHCP. Anyhow I set-up Wifi as static and I have no more issues. Maybe it is worth to check whether is can be reproduced on your side?
No issues on my end.

Your network configuration must not be typical home Router because client is on 192.168.21.y address space but DNS is on a completely different address space 103.86.96.y
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks Tim for your help. DNS : this a DNS that is configured to be used by LAN1 (instead of the one that is advertised by the ISP). I reverted to 7.1.0. No issues. With this version, I noticed that DNS is reported as which is what is set in the interface (see herebelow). On the other hand, as you noticed with 7.4.1 DNS is reported as while it is set to in the interface (I reverted to 7.4.1 to double check this). There is cleary a different behaviour. Really strange. Could it be the reason of the problem I reported?

Please find here below the startup file for 7.1.0
20211103 080908 worker: -- Start
20211103 080908 worker: Successfully daemonized
20211103 080908 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20211103 080909 worker: File check (OK)
20211103 080909 worker: Session vacuumed
20211103 080910 worker: Session loaded
20211103 080910 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20211103 080910 worker: -- Device
20211103 080910 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:MYDAC | 3:empty
20211103 080910 worker: MPD config: (2:MICROMEGA MYDAC | mixerSadPCM) | card:2)
20211103 080910 worker: ALSA mixer actual (PCM)
20211103 080910 worker: ALSA PCM volume set to (amixer: Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0)
20211103 080910 worker: -- System
20211103 080912 worker: Host     (moode)
20211103 080912 worker: moOde    (7.1.0 2021-03-15)
20211103 080912 worker: RaspiOS  (10.6)
20211103 080912 worker: Kernel   (5.4.77-v7+ #1371)
20211103 080912 worker: Platform (Allo USBridge SIG [CM3+ Lite 1GB v1.0])
20211103 080912 worker: ARM arch (armv7l, 32-bit kernel)
20211103 080912 worker: MPD ver  (0.22.6_p0x3)
20211103 080912 worker: CPU gov  (ondemand)
20211103 080912 worker: USB boot not available
20211103 080912 worker: File system not expanded yet
20211103 080912 worker: HDMI port on
20211103 080912 worker: -- Network
20211103 080912 worker: eth0 exists
20211103 080912 worker: eth0 wait 0 for IP address
20211103 080915 worker: eth0 wait 1 for IP address
20211103 080918 worker: eth0 wait 2 for IP address
20211103 080921 worker: eth0 wait 3 for IP address
20211103 080924 worker: eth0 wait 4 for IP address
20211103 080927 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20211103 080927 worker: wlan0 exists
20211103 080927 worker: wifi country (FR)
20211103 080927 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (saintpierre)
20211103 080927 worker: IP addr (
20211103 080927 worker: Netmask (
20211103 080928 worker: Gateway (
20211103 080928 worker: Pri DNS (
20211103 080928 worker: Domain  (None)
20211103 080928 worker: -- Audio
20211103 080928 worker: ALSA card number (2)
20211103 080928 worker: MPD audio output (MICROMEGA MYDAC)
20211103 080928 worker: Audio formats (S32_LE)
20211103 080928 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20211103 080928 worker: MPD volume control (none)
20211103 080928 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20211103 080928 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20211103 080928 worker: CamillaDSP (off)
20211103 080928 worker: -- MPD
20211103 080928 worker: MPD started
20211103 080929 worker: MPD accepting connections
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (on)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Crossfeed (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA Parametric EQ (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA Graphic EQ (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA Polarity Inv (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA CamillaDSP (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 7 ALSA Bluetooth (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD output 8 HTTP Server (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20211103 080929 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20211103 080929 worker: -- Feature availability
20211103 080929 worker: Source select (available)
20211103 080929 worker: Source select (source: MPD)
20211103 080929 worker: Source select (output: MICROMEGA MYDAC)
20211103 080929 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20211103 080929 worker: Airplay renderer (available)
20211103 080929 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20211103 080929 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20211103 080929 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20211103 080929 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20211103 080929 worker: DLNA server (available)
20211103 080929 worker: UPnP browser (available)
20211103 080929 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20211103 080929 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20211103 080929 worker: -- Music sources
20211103 080929 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20211103 081028 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20211103 081028 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20211103 081028 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20211103 081028 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20211103 081028 worker: LED0 (On)
20211103 081028 worker: LED1 (sysclass does not exist)
20211103 081028 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20211103 081028 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20211103 081028 worker: MPD volume level (0) restored
20211103 081028 worker: ALSA volume level (None)
20211103 081028 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20211103 081028 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20211103 081028 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20211103 081028 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20211103 081028 worker: Watchdog started
20211103 081028 worker: Ready
20211103 081156 worker: Job airplaysvc
20211103 081211 worker: Job upnpsvc
some more info. Currently running 7.4.1 and removed the specific DNS setup at router level. No more issues and DNS is reported in the startup log file. This is a clear difference between both moode version. Is it what triggers the issue?

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