Generated backup configuration is zero bytes when I add a WiFi password that contains certain characters. The backup file fails to properly generate when WiFi password contains any characters from the following set &()`|'\;"<> . This issue occurred on last 7.x release and is occurring in 8.x .
I did not test all possible characters. I quickly tested the following set of characters ~`!#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\:";'<>?,./@
Generated backup configuration is zero bytes when I add a WiFi password that contains certain characters. The backup file fails to properly generate when WiFi password contains any characters from the following set &()`|'\;"<> . This issue occurred on last 7.x release and is occurring in 8.x .
I did not test all possible characters. I quickly tested the following set of characters ~`!#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\:";'<>?,./@