07-30-2022, 08:21 AM
Particularly if you leave your moOde-y Pi on all the time, having the two main LEDs on can be annoying.
Hardware solutions exist - i.e. covering them with tape or permanently painting over them
- but turning them off with software is almost trivial and it is useful to be able to turn them back on again.
The 'almost' is because the method to turn them off in /boot/config.txt seems to vary with model, however on a version 1.2 Pi 3 B, root sending zero to
turns them off during 'runtime' rather than from boot. I do not currently have a Pi 4 to check if it works on those.
Being able to turn off the ethernet LED would also be useful, but that is less of a problem (it's not so bright, it's easier to cover, and a more useful diagnostic) and, again, the method seems to vary between Pi versions.
Hardware solutions exist - i.e. covering them with tape or permanently painting over them

The 'almost' is because the method to turn them off in /boot/config.txt seems to vary with model, however on a version 1.2 Pi 3 B, root sending zero to
turns them off during 'runtime' rather than from boot. I do not currently have a Pi 4 to check if it works on those.
Being able to turn off the ethernet LED would also be useful, but that is less of a problem (it's not so bright, it's easier to cover, and a more useful diagnostic) and, again, the method seems to vary between Pi versions.