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Solved: Incremental update to radio station list?
Maybe I've missed it, but is there a way to incrementally import updated radio lists when there's an update to the moode image? I'd like to get whatever new stations have been added, without having to flash a new image (and without losing any of the stations that I currently have, since I've added a bunch of my own manually).

Edit: Oops, meant to post this in "support," not "general discussion." Feel free to move it to the correct topic!
I don't believe there is a way, but if you use the backup of you pre-update system, flash a new image, then restore from backup you'll end up with what you want (mostly, there are few settings that don't restore and I have a few customisations I have to put back).
I had a thought in the shower (as you do).
Could you burn a fresh image to another sd, then boot to it and backup just the moOde radio stations. Then put you other system sd back in and restore the radio stations from the backup to get the new ones that way?
If you have a 8.x.x version installed and install the regular inplace updates you already get incremental stations updates.

When upgrading or reinstalling with a fresh image, you can indeed restore your own custom stations.

From the command line you can use the station_manager tool to handle more complicated scenarios.
Hi all,
Please do not forget the station_manager utility.
Best regards,
(09-04-2023, 04:47 PM)bitlab Wrote: If you have a 8.x.x version installed and install the regular inplace updates you already get incremental stations updates.

Is that always true? The release notes often say "Radio Stations (New Image Only)".
(09-05-2023, 07:11 AM)the_bertrum Wrote:
(09-04-2023, 04:47 PM)bitlab Wrote: If you have a 8.x.x version installed and install the regular inplace updates you already get incremental stations updates.

Is that always true?  The release notes often say "Radio Stations (New Image Only)".

Oops, error in release notes. The station updates are always installed. Whats new as of upcoming 8.3.6 is that logo updates will also be installed :-)
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Thank you, everyone! I didn't realize that 8.x.x was already doing that. Problem solved!

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