I tried the BB6 Music entry here in the US.
The link is to a .m3u8 file, which is what Al saw being downloaded. Following in Al's footsteps, I dropped the link into VLC on my Linux laptop and it started playing while showing the same codec information as he sees.
However, I then defined a new radio station in moOde with the .m3u8 link as the Playable URL. An MPD plugin happily extracts the first entry in the .m3u8 file, constructs a URL, and MPD tries to play it.
Oops, a popup declares
MPD Error
Failed to decode http://as-hls-ww-live.akamaized.net/pool_904/live/ww/bbc_6music/bbc_6music.isml/bbc_6music-audio=96000-165380447; CURL failed: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
VLC on my laptop can't open this link either.
Since the original .m3u8 file is understood by VLC and the stream is playing on my laptop I assume this 403 error comes from an issue with HLS endpoints and the responsible MPD plugin (possibly with Akamai in the mix?), not with geo-fencing. Dunno where to go from here.