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Problem: HifiBerry Digi2 Pro doesnt play 44.1khz

i have now getting the HifiBerry Digi2 Pro (new HW version 2.2) on a Raspberry 4.
At the beginning it was all okay, but then i heard... nothing.
I have a Coax cable from Supra (Trico RCA), my AMP with RCA input is Rotel RA-12.

I can Hear 48khz, 96khz, 192khz.....
I can not hear 44.1khz, 88.2khz...
Moode say it is playing (the time is going dowm from every track and jump to next if the track is done).

I don't want to, but this Works:
- SoX Resampling (Bit depth any, up to 48k/96/192khz), better than option 2
- dt-overlay setting to hifiberry-digi (normal hifiberry-digi-pro), but if i do that, then the sound is getting wrong and slower

I am pretty sure i have overseen some option or workaround, but i didn't find it yet.

Can someone help me with this issue?

applay -l output
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi], device 0: HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro HiFi wm8804-spdif-0 [HiFiBerry
Digi+ Pro HiFi wm8804-spdif-0]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
When you say "At the beginning it was all okay, but then i heard... nothing." do you mean that there were no issues at all?
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At the beginning yes, but that was because i listened to music in 96 and 192khz (flac format).
Then i wanted to play some tracks in 44.1khz with 16bit and have no sound with it.
So i don't know at which time i had the issue, but i think it was from that moment that i installed the hifiberry digi.
I tested it again with Hifiberry DAC2 (that was the hat before) and it works fine with it.
What i did not test yet is a fresh install of moode. If that doesn't work, too, i will test install the HifiBerry OS and / or Volumio, to check it out if it is a software or hardware issue.
I Resample with any bit depth and 48khz => Works, only Resample to 24bit => doesn't Work, so it must be the khz rate.
(02-22-2024, 12:40 AM)Keksianer Wrote: At the beginning yes, but that was because i listened to music in 96 and 192khz (flac format).
Then i wanted to play some tracks in 44.1khz with 16bit and have no sound with it.
So i don't know at which time i had the issue, but i think it was from that moment that i installed the hifiberry digi.
I tested it again with Hifiberry DAC2 (that was the hat before) and it works fine with it.
What i did not test yet is a fresh install of moode. If that doesn't work, too, i will test install the HifiBerry OS and / or Volumio, to check it out if it is a software or hardware issue.
I Resample with any bit depth and 48khz => Works, only Resample to 24bit => doesn't Work, so it must be the khz rate.

moOde just adds a line to /boot/config.txt for loading the correct kernel driver overlay for an I2S device, and for all hifiberry devices it adds a second line to disable reading the boards EEPROM based overlay because there was an issue in the past where some of the hifiberry EEPROM overlays were not compatible with particular Linux kernel versions. 

For the digi+ pro you should see these two lines:


In any case after a quick Google search there seem to be a lot of compatibility issues with this board.
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(02-22-2024, 01:12 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:

In any case after a quick Google search there seem to be a lot of compatibility issues with this board.

Yes, you are right.
Before i posted it, i saw the issues and the 2 lines are in my config, i checked this.
The compatibility issues was with Rpi 4 and Hifi Digi+, but they said, they fixed it with the new Version 2.2 (that is why i said i have the 2.2 Version).
And all Posts with the issues are they doesn't work at all.
I have sound, but only with that sample rates.
However, thank you for the tip and your work. I will test now a fresh install of moode and Hifiberry OS.
Hello again.
So i started now.... i know it is late...
What i tested: Moodeaudio fresh install, was same issue.
HifiBerry OS install and it works.
So there must be a wrong configuration in moodeaudio.
Volumio test is outstanding....
But maybe this is helpful enough to find the issue
A success case on another player does not help. You best bet is if another dev or user that has that exact same board can do some diagnosis.
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Well... i lost all my bets in that form. Well i would not say ist doesn't help.... If volumio and Hifiberry OS works i only have to find the different to Moode....
Maybe it is too simple that i overseen it. I am wondering, that i am the only one that have that issue, i did not found anything in Google search.
But... with the fresh install it had to work, because i only changed to I2C device and choose my Device, everything else was standard, i did not load my config.
I hope someone have an idea... i will try to find the issue
Well.... I do not know, if it is good or not, but Volumio doesn't work, too.
Same issue... Plays only sample rate with 48/96/192 not with 44.1/88.2.
Sometimes I2S driver issues are dependent on Linux kernel version. These other players might show the kernel version in some screen or if not then they might allow command line access and you could use the command uname -a

moOde releases starting almost a year ago use the last official Raspberry Pi Linux kernel for Bullseye which is 6.1.21.
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Okay. I found out that hifiberry OS use Kernel: Linux 5.15.78-v7l.
I never thought about Kernel, can i Switch the moode Kernel to that version or its not possible?

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