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Progress on Boss 2 driver issue
Exciting to hear Boss 2 (I have DAC not player) is supported out from the box. I'm still on the last version (8.3.x I suppose) before Linux kernel update and since everything works OK for me and therefore never bothered to upgrade.

May I ask in what way volume could be different? I'm gonna try a fresh install to try it.
(08-29-2023, 10:14 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: The patch will however not include our three driver enhancements: pcm1794a 384k, aloop 384k and the rtl88xxau driver for Comfast CF-912AC WifFi Adapter.

I noticed that the Comfast driver has been removed because it isn't compatible with the latest kernel.  Do you have any idea if this is a temporary issue?  Or could the driver and related devices be completely unsupported now?
Correct it was removed in our Image Builder but the package is still available in our Package Builder repo in case a dev wants to try getting the driver to work on >= 6.6.31 kernel. It did not work in my tests.

Here's the imgbuild commit

Here's the pgkbuild script for rtl88xxau
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