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Solved: Playlist jumps back to playing entry after a few seconds when stop scrolling
As @the_bertrum mentioned edit each of your preferred stations and set Type to "Favorite". Then in Radio Manager set Group by to "Favorites first", moOde stations to "Hide all" and if any of your custom stations are not to be marked as Favorites then set Other stations to "Hide all"

Only your Favorited stations appear and the rest of the moOde and Other stations are hidden.

Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Thanks for the hints!
Well.. I marked the ones I want to see in the radio view as favorites, and than both "moode stations" and "other stations" to "hide all". This gives me what I was looking after.
Glad I've an engineeriing degree. Smile
(09-12-2024, 06:30 PM)kurt1970 Wrote: Thanks for the hints!
Well.. I marked the ones I want to see in the radio view as favorites, and than both "moode stations" and "other stations" to "hide all". This gives me what I was looking after.
Glad I've an engineeriing degree. Smile

Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Hi @Tim Curtis , unless I don't get it, but I noticed some stange behavior when changing a radio station from "Favorite" back to "Regular".
When making it a favorite, it's get added in the favorites playlist, but when putting it back to "Regular", it stays in the playlist.
Even after deleting it in the favorites playlist, the station still shows up. Is this normal?
Do you mean the Favorites section in Radio view or the Favorites playlist in Playlist view?
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
I played around and I'm even more puzzled...
1) When I click on "Favorite" in the playlist view it creates a playlist and add the station to it
2) When I edit the station itself and mark it as "favorite" or "regular", it doesn't get added to the playlist. After changing back to "regular", nothing changes in the Radio view till the moment I re-do the "hide all".

Quite confusing....
You mean the Heart icon on the main Playback screen? That adds the Queue item to the Favorites Playlist.

When you edit a Radio station and set its type to "Favorite" it only affects the Favorites section in Radio view. It does not touch the Favorites playlist. This is because some users just use Radio view Favorites and don't maintain a Favorites playlist.

Yes, the extra "hide all" is needed and it's clunky. I'll add to the TODO list to investigate.
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
Hi @Tim Curtis, you confirm my findings.

What's confusing is, is that the favorite feature behaves differently in the playlist and radio view.

Just thinking loud, but maybe beter to rename this in the radio view as "preset" and than have a "show presets only" choice instead of "hide all".
After looking into this I see that "Hidden" is one of the available types and so this is what you would set the station to in order to have it removed from the Favorites section. Whats missing is an auto-reload of the view. I'll add that to upcoming 9.1.0

This Thread has gotten way off topic and so best to close it. Feel free to post new Thread regarding Radio Favorites.
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