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Problem: Horizontal scrolling in tag view
AFAIK touch gestures are a separate input class from mount clicks and they are detected and processed by the driver for the display. Here's the JS script that handles touch/swipe

From a debugging standpoint consider that left/right swipe is only failing on that particular wave share display which suggests some sort of issue with the display or its driver.
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I agree that there's something hardware specific about the problem I'm having, which means that if I'm trying to detect the problem by working with the js code, I need to run it on the Pi with the Waveshare.

If I build on my desktop based on changed code in jquery.touchSwipe.js, I assume that only one or two files will have changed. Is this correct?

If so, are they hardware/OS independent and can I simply replace the Pi files to test the changes?

If so, would you be able to identify the files that will have changed?

RPi4 —> HiFiBerry DAC+ —> Rotel RA01 —> Celestion DL8
In order to modify and test the JS and CSS files you need to familiarize yourself with the development tooling and in particular the gulp builder. It bundles and minifies the JS and CSS source files for deployment. If you look in /var/www/js and /var/www/css on a running moode system you will see the .min files.

The source file moode-repo/www/header.php contains <!--build and <!--endbuild markers that define which source files are bundled and minified into a particular .min file. The source file moode-repo/gulpfile.js contains the gulp makefile.

The Developer page at has documentation for setting up gulp. Due to time constraints I'm not able to provide much help in setting up a dev environment but there are other folks in the Forum that have done so and can possibly provide some tips.
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I'm tempted to say "it's so easy a caveman can do it" but you've have to be an American of a certain age to get the reference to an old insurance TV ad campaign. 

Seriously, though, I had never heard of gulp and I managed to create a gulp environment after reading just the TL;DR section of  @bitlab's Development with Gulp. For sure, read the rest of the document but that's enough to get you going.

The worst that can happen is you bork a working copy of moOde but flashing a fresh copy is the work of a few minutes.

Thanks, both of you. Kent, you're right on two counts. You probably need to be American to get the ad reference - and I'm a Canadian! Also, it's extremely easy to get a gulp environment up and running. My issue was being able to identify the minified files to move to the Pi, and Tim's answer not only educates me a little about how gulp is used, it lets me figure the answer out for myself!

As I've already said a couple of times, thanks for your patience and for taking the time to answer newb questions.

RPi4 —> HiFiBerry DAC+ —> Rotel RA01 —> Celestion DL8
Can you tell me where the gobal is set? I think you might be right about the screen not supporting swipes, but I want to see what will happen if I prevent it from being detected as a mobile device...

RPi4 —> HiFiBerry DAC+ —> Rotel RA01 —> Celestion DL8
(11-19-2024, 12:09 AM)MJR42 Wrote: Can you tell me where the gobal is set? I think you might be right about the screen not supporting swipes, but I want to see what will happen if I prevent it from being detected as a mobile device...

In your source code editor do a global search for the string " =" to see where it's set. For your test you will want to modify the line in scripts-panels.js
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No solution - just an update in case it triggers an idea from someone.

With the Waveshare screen, I can swipe left and right, and I'm getting a blue and white left or right arrow which appears to tell Chromium to go to the previous or the next webpage. I think that means that the swipe is working, but the touchscreen code isn't picking it up somehow, but that's just a wild-assed guess.

I'm leaving this open because it isn't fixed, but I'm just going to move on and live without a perfect system.

RPi4 —> HiFiBerry DAC+ —> Rotel RA01 —> Celestion DL8
(12-03-2024, 03:01 AM)MJR42 Wrote: I can swipe left and right, and I'm getting a blue and white left or right arrow which appears to tell Chromium to go to the previous or the next webpage. I think that means that the swipe is working (...)

To me this means that Chrome is catching the swipe _before_ moOde can have a chance to see it...
(12-03-2024, 05:03 PM)Nutul Wrote:
(12-03-2024, 03:01 AM)MJR42 Wrote: I can swipe left and right, and I'm getting a blue and white left or right arrow which appears to tell Chromium to go to the previous or the next webpage. I think that means that the swipe is working (...)

To me this means that Chrome is catching the swipe _before_ moOde can have a chance to see it...

That sounds right. Do you have enough experience with this that you could help debug this problem?

RPi4 —> HiFiBerry DAC+ —> Rotel RA01 —> Celestion DL8

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