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Hello MoOde peeps...

I see in my DSP log that I often get this:

2025-01-20 14:54:36.624669 RROR[ [src/] Unable to open statefile /var/lib/cdsp/statefile.yml, error: Permission denied (os error 13)

The Permissions to statefile.yml are:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root www-data 138 Jan 17 23:52 statefile.yml

When I ssh in and go to "/var/lib/cdsp/" and look at the contents of statefile.yml - I see it points to a config file that (I don't think) is the current config file.  I see:

"config_path: /usr/share/camilladsp/configs/Aeolus.yml" (which is one I have worked on to perfect sound my ZMF Aeolus cans).

But the DSP gui agrees that my currently loaded config is:

"config_path: /usr/share/camilladsp/configs/V2 Crossfeed Natural.yml"

Can someone shed some light on this file, please?
What version of moode?
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Did you perhaps use the camillagui to activate the config?
That could be it.

In any case here are the correct ownership and permissions for the dir and file.
pi@moode:~ $ stat /var/lib/cdsp | grep "Access: ("
Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: (  109/     mpd)   Gid: (    0/    root)

pi@moode:~ $ stat /var/lib/cdsp/statefile.yml | grep "Access: ("
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (  109/     mpd)   Gid: (   29/   audio)
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(01-20-2025, 08:57 PM)bitlab Wrote: Did you perhaps use the camillagui to activate the config?

The release is: 9.2.2 2025-01-08  and yes, I probably did use the camillagui to activate the config.

The current config appears to be tangled up with the previously loaded config.
I edited the yml that became polluted with one of the crossfeed.yml and am back to happy listening :-)

Had read to stay away from the camillagui for dsp config changes - but did it anyway.  Are we saying the main screen's dsp config dropdown is the safe one to use?

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(01-20-2025, 10:02 PM)JazzVinyl Wrote: I edited the yml that became polluted with one of the crossfeed.yml and am back to happy listening :-)

Had read to stay away from the camillagui for dsp config changes - but did it anyway.  Are we saying the main screen's dsp config dropdown is the safe one to use?

Yes. Use the drop-downs on the moode screens to switch configs.

Use CamillaDSP Config to do config file management

Use CamillaGUI Pipeline editor to edit/test configs
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(01-20-2025, 10:08 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Yes. Use the drop-downs on the moode screens to switch configs.

Use CamillaDSP Config to do config file management

Use CamillaGUI Pipeline editor to edit/test configs

Thanks Tim...

I set the permissions for the statefile.yml to be writable, no more permission errors and and it now has:

config_path: /usr/share/camilladsp/working_config.yml
Also the ownership

sudo chown mpd /var/lib/cdsp

sudo chown mpd:audio /var/lib/cdsp/statefile.yml
Enjoy the Music! | Mastodon Feed | GitHub
(01-20-2025, 10:30 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Also the ownership

10-4  thanks!!

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