Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
03-09-2025, 11:53 AM
I have latest Moode 9.2.6 on RPI 4B 2GB and latest Audirvana Studio on latest Windows 10.
DAC is FiiO K5 Pro usb.
When i'm playing 44.1khz, 96khz everything is fine, but when i try to play 192khz some secs music playing, but after that i have only static noise, sometimes music pop up but when i click something in moode interface noise comes in again.
This what i tried:
1. Make brand new Moode install on brand new sd card - issue persist.
2. Cast from other upnp apps - from Usb Audio Player pro no issues, from Bubble upnp - no issues.
3. Try on Volumio - No issues.
I don't know how to check mpd and upmpdcli logs.
Posts: 14,135
Threads: 323
Joined: Mar 2018
Reboot and then post the contents of the startup log.
The log can be viewed via the SSH command moodeutl -l or downloaded via the Logs section in System Config, or via Menu, System info from any of the Config screens. The startup log will be at the end of System info output.
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
03-09-2025, 02:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2025, 02:50 PM by Maverick565.)
I was play dsd files from audirvana to moode via upnp and there is no issues, same with 96khz no issues.
The issue is only with 192khz local and Tidal files.
Code: 20250309 154800 worker: --
20250309 154800 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20250309 154800 worker: --
20250309 154800 worker: Daemonize: complete
20250309 154800 worker: Linux startup: complete
20250309 154800 worker: Boot config: ok
20250309 154800 worker: Boot folder: ok
20250309 154800 worker: Radio table: ok
20250309 154801 DEBUG: phpSession(get_status): status=PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE
20250309 154803 DEBUG: Maintenance: Purged spurious session file (sess_n04v84amuvffo6lldsj7vio1u2)
20250309 154803 worker: PHP session: cleaned
20250309 154803 DEBUG: phpSession(get_status): status=PHP_SESSION_NONE
20250309 154803 worker: PHP session: loaded
20250309 154803 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (1) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154803 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (2) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154803 DEBUG: waitWorker(): Wait 1 for sys-config
20250309 154804 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (3) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154804 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (4) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154805 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (5) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154805 worker: Package locks: applied
20250309 154805 DEBUG: openMpdSock(): Error: connection failed (6) 111, Connection refused
20250309 154806 DEBUG: getMpdSock(): Connection to MPD failed
20250309 154807 worker: File check: complete
20250309 154807 worker: Log to RAM: on
20250309 154807 worker: Debug logging: on
20250309 154807 worker: --
20250309 154807 worker: -- System
20250309 154807 worker: --
20250309 154809 worker: Host name: moode
20250309 154809 worker: RPi model: Pi-4B 1.4 2GB
20250309 154809 worker: moOde release: 9.2.6 2025-03-07
20250309 154809 worker: RaspiOS: 12.8 Bookworm 64-bit
20250309 154809 worker: Linux Kernel: 6.6.74 64-bit
20250309 154809 worker: MPD version: 0.23.14
20250309 154809 worker: User id: moode
20250309 154809 worker: Home folder: /home/moode
20250309 154809 worker: Time zone: Europe/Warsaw
20250309 154809 worker: Kbd layout: us
20250309 154809 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20250309 154809 worker: HDMI-CEC: off
20250309 154809 worker: Sys LED0: off
20250309 154809 worker: Sys LED1: off
20250309 154809 worker: Reduce power: n/a
20250309 154809 worker: Fan control: n/a
20250309 154809 worker: CPU governor: ondemand
20250309 154809 worker: --
20250309 154809 worker: -- Network
20250309 154809 worker: --
20250309 154809 worker: Eth0
20250309 154809 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20250309 154809 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: method static
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: address
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20250309 154810 worker: Ethernet: domain none found
20250309 154810 worker: Wlan0
20250309 154810 worker: Wireless: adapter exists
20250309 154810 worker: Wireless: country US
20250309 154810 worker: Wireless: SSID None
20250309 154810 worker: Wireless: other None
20250309 154810 worker: mDNS
20250309 154810 worker: Discover: IPv4-only
20250309 154810 worker: --
20250309 154810 worker: -- File sharing
20250309 154810 worker: --
20250309 154811 worker: SMB file sharing: on
20250309 154811 worker: SMB password: none
20250309 154811 worker: NFS file sharing: off
20250309 154811 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20250309 154811 worker: --
20250309 154811 worker: -- Special configs
20250309 154811 worker: --
20250309 154811 worker: Plexamp: not installed
20250309 154811 worker: RoonBridge: installed
20250309 154811 worker: Allo Boss 2: not detected, OLED script ok
20250309 154811 worker: Allo Piano 2.1: not detected
20250309 154811 worker: IQaudIO DigiAMP+: not detected
20250309 154811 worker: RPi DigiAMP+: not detected
20250309 154811 worker: Bluetooth: session vars ok
20250309 154811 worker: --
20250309 154811 worker: -- ALSA debug
20250309 154811 worker: --
20250309 154811 worker: Cards: 0:Pro 1:vc4hdmi0 2:vc4hdmi1 3:empty
20250309 154811 worker: 4:empty 5:empty 6:empty 7:empty
20250309 154812 worker: Mixers: 0:none 1:(PCM) 2:none 3:none
20250309 154812 worker: 4:none 5:none 6:none 7:none
20250309 154812 worker: --
20250309 154812 worker: -- Audio configuration
20250309 154812 worker: --
20250309 154812 worker: Audio device: 0:FiiO K5 Pro
20250309 154812 worker: ALSA card: has not been reassigned
20250309 154812 worker: MPD config: update not needed
20250309 154813 worker: ALSA output: USB
20250309 154813 worker: ALSA mode: Direct (hw)
20250309 154813 worker: ALSA mixer: none exists
20250309 154816 worker: ALSA volume: controller not detected
20250309 154816 worker: ALSA maxvol: 100%
20250309 154816 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20250309 154816 worker: MPD mixer Fixed (0dB)
20250309 154816 worker: Integ audio: vc4-kms-v3d
20250309 154816 worker: Audio formats: S16_LE, S32_LE, SPECIAL, DSD_U32_BE
20250309 154816 worker: CamillaDSP: off
20250309 154816 worker: CDSP volume: 0dB
20250309 154816 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20250309 154816 worker: --
20250309 154816 worker: -- MPD startup
20250309 154816 worker: --
20250309 154816 DEBUG: MPD|ALSA devnum: hw:0,0|usb
20250309 154817 worker: MPD service: started
20250309 154817 worker: MPD port 6600: accepting connections
20250309 154817 worker: MPD ALSA Default: on
20250309 154817 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20250309 154817 worker: MPD HTTP Server: off
20250309 154817 worker: MPD volume: 100
20250309 154817 worker: Saved MPD vol: -1
20250309 154817 worker: Saved SRC vol: 0
20250309 154817 worker: MPD crossfade: off
20250309 154817 worker: MPD ignore CUE: no
20250309 154817 worker: MPD CDSP volsync: off
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: -- Music sources
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: USB drive: CX400 (ntfs)
20250309 154817 worker: NVMe drives: none
20250309 154817 worker: SATA drives: none
20250309 154817 worker: NAS sources: none
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: -- Feature availability
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: Input select: available, Source: MPD, Output: FiiO K5 Pro
20250309 154817 worker: Bluetooth: available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20250309 154817 worker: AirPlay: available
20250309 154817 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20250309 154817 worker: Deezer Connect: available
20250309 154817 worker: Squeezelite: available
20250309 154817 worker: UPnP client: started
20250309 154817 worker: Plexamp: not installed, ALSA maxvol: 100%
20250309 154817 worker: RoonBridge: available
20250309 154817 worker: Multiroom: available
20250309 154817 worker: GPIO buttons: available
20250309 154817 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: -- Security
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: Web SSH server: off
20250309 154817 worker: XSS detection: off
20250309 154817 worker: HTTPS mode: available
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154817 worker: -- Peripherals
20250309 154817 worker: --
20250309 154820 worker: Local display: off
20250309 154820 worker: Chromium ver: 130.0.6723.116-1~deb12u1+rpt1
20250309 154820 worker: Chromium cfg: directory ok
20250309 154820 worker: Screen blank 600
20250309 154820 worker: On-screen kbd: off
20250309 154820 worker: Disable GPU: off
20250309 154820 worker: HDMI orient: landscape
20250309 154820 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz: off
20250309 154820 worker: DSI scn type: none
20250309 154820 worker: DSI port:
20250309 154820 worker: DSI brightness: 255
20250309 154820 worker: DSI rotate: 0
20250309 154820 worker: Rotary encoder: off
20250309 154820 worker: Triggerhappy: off
20250309 154820 worker: LCD updater: off
20250309 154820 worker: --
20250309 154820 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20250309 154820 worker: --
20250309 154820 worker: Software update: Automatic check off
20250309 154820 worker: Auto-CoverView: off
20250309 154820 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20250309 154820 worker: Auto-shuffle: off
20250309 154820 worker: Auto-play: off
20250309 154820 worker: Maintenance task: 360 mins
20250309 154820 worker: Current view: reset to Playback
20250309 154820 worker: Active flags: all false
20250309 154820 worker: Reset flags: skipped
20250309 154820 worker: Session check: ok
20250309 154820 worker: --
20250309 154820 worker: -- Startup complete
20250309 154820 worker: --
20250309 154820 worker: Mount monitor: started
20250309 154820 worker: Radio monitor: off
20250309 154820 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20250309 154820 worker: Responsiveness: Default
20250309 154820 DEBUG: Sleep intervals: worker=3, waitworker=1, watchdog=6, mountmon=30, mpdmon=6, gpiobuttons=1
20250309 154820 worker: Ready
20250309 154834 DEBUG: chkVariables(): Excluded key: path
20250309 154834 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154834 DEBUG: chkVariables(): Excluded key: path
20250309 154834 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154903 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154903 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154908 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154910 DEBUG: chkVariables(): Excluded key: fs_smb_pwd
20250309 154940 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154940 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154940 DEBUG: enhanceMetadata(): error: currentsong file is NULL
20250309 154951 DEBUG: chkVariables(): Excluded key: fs_smb_pwd
Posts: 14,135
Threads: 323
Joined: Mar 2018
I'd turn debug logging off. it just clutters up the log. It's only used in very specific debugging scenarios.
Try setting ALSA output mode to Default
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
(03-09-2025, 03:19 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I'd turn debug logging off. it just clutters up the log. It's only used in very specific debugging scenarios.
Try setting ALSA output mode to Default
On default there is also noise.
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
Code: 20250309 173940 worker: --
20250309 173940 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20250309 173940 worker: --
20250309 173940 worker: Daemonize: complete
20250309 173940 worker: Linux startup: complete
20250309 173940 worker: Boot config: ok
20250309 173940 worker: Boot folder: ok
20250309 173940 worker: Radio table: ok
20250309 173942 worker: PHP session: cleaned
20250309 173942 worker: PHP session: loaded
20250309 173948 worker: Package locks: applied
20250309 173950 worker: File check: complete
20250309 173950 worker: Log to RAM: off
20250309 173950 worker: Debug logging: off
20250309 173950 worker: --
20250309 173950 worker: -- System
20250309 173950 worker: --
20250309 173952 worker: Host name: moode
20250309 173952 worker: RPi model: Pi-4B 1.4 2GB
20250309 173952 worker: moOde release: 9.2.6 2025-03-07
20250309 173952 worker: RaspiOS: 12.8 Bookworm 64-bit
20250309 173952 worker: Linux Kernel: 6.6.74 64-bit
20250309 173952 worker: MPD version: 0.23.14
20250309 173952 worker: User id: moode
20250309 173952 worker: Home folder: /home/moode
20250309 173952 worker: Time zone: Europe/Warsaw
20250309 173952 worker: Kbd layout: us
20250309 173952 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20250309 173952 worker: HDMI-CEC: off
20250309 173953 worker: Sys LED0: off
20250309 173953 worker: Sys LED1: off
20250309 173953 worker: Reduce power: n/a
20250309 173953 worker: Fan control: n/a
20250309 173953 worker: CPU governor: ondemand
20250309 173953 worker: --
20250309 173953 worker: -- Network
20250309 173953 worker: --
20250309 173953 worker: Eth0
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: method static
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: address
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20250309 173953 worker: Ethernet: domain none found
20250309 173953 worker: Wlan0
20250309 173953 worker: Wireless: adapter exists
20250309 173953 worker: Wireless: country US
20250309 173953 worker: Wireless: SSID None
20250309 173953 worker: Wireless: other None
20250309 173953 worker: mDNS
20250309 173953 worker: Discover: IPv4-only
20250309 173953 worker: --
20250309 173953 worker: -- File sharing
20250309 173953 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: SMB file sharing: on
20250309 173955 worker: SMB password: none
20250309 173955 worker: NFS file sharing: off
20250309 173955 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: -- Special configs
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: Plexamp: not installed
20250309 173955 worker: RoonBridge: installed
20250309 173955 worker: Allo Boss 2: not detected, OLED script ok
20250309 173955 worker: Allo Piano 2.1: not detected
20250309 173955 worker: IQaudIO DigiAMP+: not detected
20250309 173955 worker: RPi DigiAMP+: not detected
20250309 173955 worker: Bluetooth: session vars ok
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: -- ALSA debug
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: Cards: 0:Pro 1:vc4hdmi0 2:vc4hdmi1 3:empty
20250309 173955 worker: 4:empty 5:empty 6:empty 7:empty
20250309 173955 worker: Mixers: 0:none 1:(PCM) 2:none 3:none
20250309 173955 worker: 4:none 5:none 6:none 7:none
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: -- Audio configuration
20250309 173955 worker: --
20250309 173955 worker: Audio device: 2:FiiO K5 Pro
20250309 173955 worker: ALSA card: has been reassigned to 0 from 2
20250309 173956 worker: MPD config: updated
20250309 173956 worker: ALSA output: USB
20250309 173956 worker: ALSA mode: Direct (hw)
20250309 173956 worker: ALSA mixer: none exists
20250309 173959 worker: ALSA volume: controller not detected
20250309 173959 worker: ALSA maxvol: 100%
20250309 173959 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20250309 173959 worker: MPD mixer Fixed (0dB)
20250309 173959 worker: Integ audio: vc4-kms-v3d
20250309 174000 worker: Audio formats: S16_LE, S32_LE, SPECIAL, DSD_U32_BE
20250309 174000 worker: CamillaDSP: off
20250309 174000 worker: CDSP volume: 0dB
20250309 174000 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: -- MPD startup
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: MPD service: started
20250309 174000 worker: MPD port 6600: accepting connections
20250309 174000 worker: MPD ALSA Default: on
20250309 174000 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20250309 174000 worker: MPD HTTP Server: off
20250309 174000 worker: MPD volume: 100
20250309 174000 worker: Saved MPD vol: -1
20250309 174000 worker: Saved SRC vol: 0
20250309 174000 worker: MPD crossfade: off
20250309 174000 worker: MPD ignore CUE: no
20250309 174000 worker: MPD CDSP volsync: off
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: -- Music sources
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: USB drive: CX400 (ntfs)
20250309 174000 worker: NVMe drives: none
20250309 174000 worker: SATA drives: none
20250309 174000 worker: NAS sources: none
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: -- Feature availability
20250309 174000 worker: --
20250309 174000 worker: Input select: available, Source: MPD, Output: FiiO K5 Pro
20250309 174000 worker: Bluetooth: available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20250309 174000 worker: AirPlay: available
20250309 174000 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20250309 174000 worker: Deezer Connect: available
20250309 174000 worker: Squeezelite: available
20250309 174013 worker: UPnP client: started
20250309 174013 worker: Plexamp: not installed, ALSA maxvol: 100%
20250309 174013 worker: RoonBridge: available
20250309 174013 worker: Multiroom: available
20250309 174013 worker: GPIO buttons: available
20250309 174013 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20250309 174013 worker: --
20250309 174013 worker: -- Security
20250309 174013 worker: --
20250309 174013 worker: Web SSH server: off
20250309 174013 worker: XSS detection: off
20250309 174013 worker: HTTPS mode: available
20250309 174013 worker: --
20250309 174013 worker: -- Peripherals
20250309 174013 worker: --
20250309 174016 worker: Local display: off
20250309 174016 worker: Chromium ver: 126.0.6478.164-rpt1
20250309 174016 worker: Chromium cfg: directory ok
20250309 174016 worker: Screen blank 600
20250309 174016 worker: On-screen kbd: off
20250309 174016 worker: Disable GPU: off
20250309 174016 worker: HDMI orient: landscape
20250309 174016 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz: off
20250309 174016 worker: DSI scn type: none
20250309 174016 worker: DSI port:
20250309 174016 worker: DSI brightness: 255
20250309 174016 worker: DSI rotate: 0
20250309 174016 worker: Rotary encoder: off
20250309 174016 worker: Triggerhappy: off
20250309 174016 worker: LCD updater: off
20250309 174016 worker: --
20250309 174016 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20250309 174016 worker: --
20250309 174016 worker: Software update: Automatic check off
20250309 174016 worker: Auto-CoverView: off
20250309 174016 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20250309 174016 worker: Auto-shuffle: off
20250309 174016 worker: Auto-play: off
20250309 174016 worker: Maintenance task: 360 mins
20250309 174016 worker: Current view: reset to Playback
20250309 174016 worker: Active flags: all false
20250309 174016 worker: Reset flags: skipped
20250309 174016 worker: Session check: ok
20250309 174016 worker: --
20250309 174016 worker: -- Startup complete
20250309 174016 worker: --
20250309 174016 worker: Mount monitor: started
20250309 174016 worker: Radio monitor: off
20250309 174016 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20250309 174016 worker: Responsiveness: Default
20250309 174016 worker: Ready
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
03-09-2025, 05:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2025, 05:27 PM by Maverick565.)
On other DAC - Ifi zen there is also noise.
When i limit sample rate in audirvana to 96khz then there is no issue.
Posts: 14,135
Threads: 323
Joined: Mar 2018
Its not obvious to me what might be happening but you can try looking at the MPD log when one of the 192k tracks is playing to see of there any decoder errors.
cat /var/log/mpd/log
There is also a Verbose logging option in MPD Config that prints more detail in the log.
Maybe try copying one of the 192k tracks to a USB stick and see if it plays ok locally.
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024
(03-09-2025, 06:21 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Its not obvious to me what might be happening but you can try looking at the MPD log when one of the 192k tracks is playing to see of there any decoder errors.
cat /var/log/mpd/log
There is also a Verbose logging option in MPD Config that prints more detail in the log.
Maybe try copying one of the 192k tracks to a USB stick and see if it plays ok locally.
From usb - playing without issues.
Posts: 15
Threads: 3
Joined: Mar 2024