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Solved: Large library - performance (5.3 VS 4.4)
(06-07-2019, 02:14 PM)swizzle Wrote:
(06-07-2019, 12:59 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: I'll wait for Tim's modified JavaScript files before commenting further on lagginess.

As for my puzzler, I find that it's easy to repo on my laptop by changing the browser size to approximate my 9-in tablets in portrait mode. 

When I click back and forth between Radio and Album-by-Artist views, even if it works the first time I soon reach a condition where I can't get to Radio from Album-by-Artist. Then the mouse cursor gives away the game: it fails to change from the pointer arrow to the selector hand when i hover over the Radio (microphone) icon. 

The puzzler seems to be sensitive only to the size/aspect ratio of the browser window. I've been able to trigger it on my laptop with Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.


What was the resolution that triggered this? Different resolutions can have slightly different css profiles and large screen portrait isn’t a common use case so wouldn’t have seen much testing.

One thing that may be causing this is the width of the covers view search field. On the mobile screens we make it smaller so it doesn’t overlap the button bar, it’s possible the resolution of your narrowed window suffers a similar fate. The quick way to test would be to switch to the folders view first, if you can then switch to the radio folder then it’s likely the search field situation.

Unfortunately I don’t think I can test moode with overlay scrollbars as they’re not offered in the Mac version of Chrome, but that report sounds really interesting.

<Sorry, I've been off at a funeral for a longtime friend and colleague. Growing old isn't for sissies.>

I'm seeing this with my Apple iPad 9.7 (2017) and my Google Nexus 9. In portrait mode, both Safari (on the iPad) and Chrome (on both) are reported to have an inner browser width of 768. Different websites report slightly different heights but in the range of 856-912 depending on browser and tablet. I haven't tried scrounging the .css files to see what the breakpoints are.

I have to disagree about large screen portrait not being a common use case. It's natural for me to hold these tablets in portrait mode in one hand 'cuz that's how I read books and other material.

I absolutely agree this is probably due to the search field. I was just starting to play with that when I had to leave for the service. If you'll recall, I had reported exactly the phenomenon of being able switch to folders view first and then to radio.


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RE: Large library - performance (5.3 VS 4.4) - by TheOldPresbyope - 06-07-2019, 04:46 PM

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