20190615 125242 worker: (/usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -vv -a "MoodeLR Airplay" -- -d hw:0 > /var/log/shairport-sync.log 2>&1 &)
20190615 125242 worker: Airplay receiver started
20190615 125242 worker: (librespot --name "MoodeLR Spotify" --bitrate 320 --initial-volume 60 --enable-volume-normalisation --normalisation-pregain 0
--cache /var/local/www/spotify_cache --disable-audio-cache --backend alsa --device "plughw:0" --onevent /var/local/www/commandw/ > /dev/
null 2>&1 &)
20190615 125243 worker: Spotify receiver started
20190615 125243 worker: Shellinabox SSH started
20190615 125243 worker: - Music sources
20190615 125243 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20190615 125243 sourceMount(): mountstr=(mount -t cifs "//" -o username="xxx",password="xxxx",rsize=61440,wsize=65536,ioc
harset=utf8,vers=1.0 "/mnt/NAS/NasR2")
20190615 125243 sourceMount(): sysoutput=(Couldn't chdir to /mnt/NAS/NasR2: No such file or directory)
20190615 125243 sourceMount(): Mount error: (Couldn't chdir to /mnt/NAS/NasR2: No such file or directory)
20190615 125243 worker: NAS sources (mountall initiated)
20190615 125243 worker: - Miscellaneous
20190615 125243 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20190615 125243 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20190615 125243 worker: MPD volume level (55) restored
20190615 125243 worker: ALSA volume level (100%)
20190615 125243 worker: Auto-play is off
20190615 125243 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
20190615 125243 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20190615 125243 worker: Watchdog started
20190615 125243 worker: Ready