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UPnP Browsing
After some research and input from Nicolas at Audiophonics I think it may actually be possible to integrate UPnP content in the Library Tag and Album views :-)

I have a success case with MiniDLNA but I need to understand whether all UPnP Media Servers generate the same folder structure as below. Feedback appreciated :-)

pi@rp3:~ $ ls /mnt/UPNP/
devices  RP5 DLNA

pi@rp3:~ $ ls /mnt/UPNP/RP5\ DLNA/
Browse Folders  Music  Pictures  _search  Video

pi@rp3:~ $ ls /mnt/UPNP/RP5\ DLNA/Music
Album  All Music  Artist  Folders  Genre  Playlists  Recently Added  _search

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Messages In This Thread
UPnP Browsing - by Tim Curtis - 06-21-2019, 12:29 AM
RE: UPnP Browsing - by derekr - 06-21-2019, 02:51 AM
RE: UPnP Browsing - by Patolog1964 - 06-21-2019, 06:17 AM
RE: UPnP Browsing - by SoundAdikt - 06-21-2019, 07:55 AM
RE: UPnP Browsing - by Tim Curtis - 06-21-2019, 03:06 PM
RE: UPnP Browsing - by Tim Curtis - 06-21-2019, 10:14 PM

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