07-03-2019, 12:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 12:25 PM by TheOldPresbyope.)
(07-03-2019, 09:37 AM)DRONE7 Wrote: I would be a starter for trialing your Flirc configuration...
As soon as I confirm it works with moOde 5.4 I'll post the code in the FAQ/HowTo section. It's pretty trivial Python requiring only one additional module to be installed using pip first.
It's an interesting albeit expensive alternative [1] to cobbling together a GPIO IR receiver and using lirc. I like it because it doesn't require access to GPIO pins and because it's easily portable between RPis, other SBCs on hand, and my laptop for testing and for other projects.
There's still the line-of-sight problem. For the moOde receiver I have tucked away in a cabinet I can run a USB-extender cable out to the front but I've got a ToDo list which includes exploring Bluetooth and WiFi solutions.
[1] I see Flirc just dropped the price to less than $20USD so now it's only 10-times more expensive than an IR-sensor!