07-05-2019, 12:02 AM
Seems to have made a very slight difference, unless it's just the lower room temperature now (1am in the morning here in the UK). Here's the readouts now:
CPU: 1.5 GHz | LOAD: 1% | TEMP: 72?C | RAM_USED: 9% | DISK_USED: 18% | FPM_POOL:
CPU: 600 MHz | LOAD: 1% | TEMP: 72?C | RAM_USED: 9% | DISK_USED: 18% | FPM_POOL:
CPU: 1.5 GHz | LOAD: 1% | TEMP: 72?C | RAM_USED: 9% | DISK_USED: 18% | FPM_POOL:
CPU: 600 MHz | LOAD: 1% | TEMP: 72?C | RAM_USED: 9% | DISK_USED: 18% | FPM_POOL: