Hi Tim, I'm running 5.3 version , but from a couple of days I had some issues: Web UI not shown properly, a noise out of the speakers instead of music, failure to connect to Tidal (from Kazoo app I've got the message "connection failure" and I had to restart MPD service from the Moode UI to connect correctly...), and some other issues. So I think that can be a problem of the microSD card. I then format the card, re-install from scratch 5.3.1 and moode runs (music from speakers !), but the WebUI has still problems : the "player" main panel is grey, all the "configuration" panels are shown but with all the triggers red instead of green. So I definitely decide to use a brand new microSD. The question is : should I install the upcoming 5.4 (even in Beta state), in order to update to the 5.4 when will be released? Or , if there will be an online update from 5.3 to 5.4, is better to install 5.3?
I use python (with the MPD library) to manage the OLED display of my RPI3-based streamer, are there known problems with the updated underlying Linux version for the 5.4 ? Which version of MPD pyhton library I have to install (is required by the python script to update the display with the playing music info)
I use python (with the MPD library) to manage the OLED display of my RPI3-based streamer, are there known problems with the updated underlying Linux version for the 5.4 ? Which version of MPD pyhton library I have to install (is required by the python script to update the display with the playing music info)