08-10-2019, 02:22 PM
1. The # in the Index search is for things that begin with a number.
2. The obscured info under the Cover art will probably need to be looked at by @swizzle. There is some media code in moode.css for the Pi Touch that changes how that section behaves but I don't think we want to use it in general.
3. I don't quite understand the 3 folder issue. Are you saying that all your folders show up in Folder view but only the first three show up in Tag or Album view?
2. The obscured info under the Cover art will probably need to be looked at by @swizzle. There is some media code in moode.css for the Pi Touch that changes how that section behaves but I don't think we want to use it in general.
#lib-file {display:inline-flex;}
#lib-coverart-meta-area {position:relative;}
3. I don't quite understand the 3 folder issue. Are you saying that all your folders show up in Folder view but only the first three show up in Tag or Album view?