08-24-2019, 07:34 PM
Both Android and iOS were designed in the first decade of this century to be used in mobile devices and both offer some form of wireless roaming [1].
The groundwork for Linux was being laid more than a decade earlier in the day of fixed hosts, well before the first release of a rudimentary 802.11 protocol. I can find no results in Google searches to suggest that the roaming capability you require is available even today in mainstream Linux distros.
The question has come up from time to time on other forums. Usually the poster is asking about their enterprise networking environment where the network admins use the same SSID on 2.4GHz AP and 5GHz AP (these may be in the same physical box, but from a systems point of view they are two APs).
The answer seems always to be, if you absolutely can't give the APs different SSIDs, then you can try diddling with the wpa_supplicant.conf file to force your WiFi client to associate on one band or the other but not both.
Since the underlying hooks aren't in Debian, hence not in Raspbian, there's nothing moOde can use to distinguish between the APs.
[1] there's plenty of posts on other forums suggesting differences in opinion of how well the roaming actually works.
Both Android and iOS were designed in the first decade of this century to be used in mobile devices and both offer some form of wireless roaming [1].
The groundwork for Linux was being laid more than a decade earlier in the day of fixed hosts, well before the first release of a rudimentary 802.11 protocol. I can find no results in Google searches to suggest that the roaming capability you require is available even today in mainstream Linux distros.
The question has come up from time to time on other forums. Usually the poster is asking about their enterprise networking environment where the network admins use the same SSID on 2.4GHz AP and 5GHz AP (these may be in the same physical box, but from a systems point of view they are two APs).
The answer seems always to be, if you absolutely can't give the APs different SSIDs, then you can try diddling with the wpa_supplicant.conf file to force your WiFi client to associate on one band or the other but not both.
Since the underlying hooks aren't in Debian, hence not in Raspbian, there's nothing moOde can use to distinguish between the APs.
[1] there's plenty of posts on other forums suggesting differences in opinion of how well the roaming actually works.