09-14-2019, 08:40 PM
It looks like you are specifying SoC (Broadcom) pin numbers instead of wiringPi pin numbers which range from 1 to 16.
I should probably change rotenc.c to use SoC pin numbering to match rotenc.py. I had to temporarily switch to a Python based driver because winingPi has been deprecated by its maintainer and does not work on Pi 4. The maintainer committed to a final release that fixes the Pi-4 issues but no timeframe. If it ever gets released I'll swap back to rotenc.c
It looks like you are specifying SoC (Broadcom) pin numbers instead of wiringPi pin numbers which range from 1 to 16.
I should probably change rotenc.c to use SoC pin numbering to match rotenc.py. I had to temporarily switch to a Python based driver because winingPi has been deprecated by its maintainer and does not work on Pi 4. The maintainer committed to a final release that fixes the Pi-4 issues but no timeframe. If it ever gets released I'll swap back to rotenc.c