10-05-2019, 12:41 PM
Hi all, sorry about bothering with this again! In version 6 the function genLibrary has been rewritten. I'm no programmer (unfortunately), and all my efforts to have the artists sorted by "artistsort" by making changes to the new playerlib.php have miserably failed. (I simply tried "'artist' => ($flatData['ArtistSort'] ? $flatData['ArtistSort'] : $flatData['Artist'] ? $flatData['Artist'] :'Unknown')" It had no effect.). Is there a hack to achieve this?
Alternatively, it would be interesting to know how other users deal with sorting. Do you use the AlbumArtistSort field? Do you simply sort by first name?
Alternatively, it would be interesting to know how other users deal with sorting. Do you use the AlbumArtistSort field? Do you simply sort by first name?