10-08-2019, 09:44 AM
(10-08-2019, 07:39 AM)rb0135 Wrote: Hi Simon,[quote pid='13569' dateline='1570520342']
I have a few questions.
1) You mentioned you tried connecting with your NAS IP address. From your logs, the IP address shows that you manually put in. Your logs show the IP address for the PI is
Well, the fact that those IP address subnets are totally different (the 10.1.1 and the 192.168.68 addresses) you will NEVER connect to your NAS (unless you have a high knowledge of network routing). Both the NAS and the PI must be on the same Address Range, so both 10.1.1.# or both 192.168.68.# is how I log in to my NAS from the Mac's finder, via a browser, my apple tv, all my synology apps and both RuneAudio and Volumio. When I go to system information in the NAS that's what it says the IP address is and I can understand that that might introduce problems but it's only with Moode so I don't think it's the only thing but I'm open to suggestions about how to change it.
You mention above, that all your devices on your network have a .68 subnet, so why did you try to connect to the NAS (as shown in the logs above) with
I just always have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2) In your screen shot, you have tried to mount Volumes/music. This is incorrect has you have to have the NAS Name or IP first, then Volumes and music must be shared on the NAS. Also, the correct syntax is //nas name or ip/share/folder. There is no colon after the NAS name/IP address. so an example would be //nas name/sharename
Also to note above, you have to get the case (upper/lower case) correct as the pathnames are case sensitive.
When I'm in my music folder on the Mac's finder I can select 'Copy "music" as Pathname' and I get "/Volumes/music" so that's exactly what I used (without the first slash). I also tried "", "" (I think this is what worked on RuneAudio), "volume1/music" and "" because I saw that somewhere too. I haven't tried a double slash as I didn't see that anywhere but I'm game if you think that's it
With Synology NAS, it is best to turn on "Maximum SMB Protocol 3". This setting should be in the SMB configuration area.
I did this based on something I saw in a Volumio forum and it's what got Volumio working. Didn't seem to make a difference for Moode
You should also have a valid username and password to connect to the share with and that user needs full access on the share.
Yes, I tried it with username and password and also with "Guest" and no password as per a suggestion I saw on this forum (I think?)
3) You state you have a Mac. Does the MAC connect to the NAS? If so, what is the "path" on the MAC show?
Yes. "smb://" or just "". I used to connect with "afp://Server._afpovertcp._tcp.local" but that stopped working for some reason. I don't know if that's pertinent
In your log above, it specifically states it cant find the NAS called Volumes, which shows that you are not using the correct format of the sharename. From the log: (20191004 232322 sourceMount(): Mount error: (mount error: could not resolve address for Volumes: Unknown error)).
Ok. Do you know where I can find the correct format?
To find your Macbook host name, a simple google search shows: Click the Apple logo in the top left corner, and then select System Preferences from the Apple Menu.Click on the Sharing icon. Your computer name will be listed at the top of the window that opens in the Computer Name field.
Ok, got that. Where do I enter it on the Pi to ping the MBP?
I think you need to configure your network correctly before stating the (software) is the problem and trying to switch between the different versions of software (Moode, Run, Volumio, etc).
As above, I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with Moode, I just can't get it to talk to my NAS and I'm trying to work out why so I can enjoy it.
Also, SMB can be fiddly at the best of times. I suggest to use NFS (as did Sander mention above).
Yes, I think I've tried everything with NFS as well
I can't stress enough that I am simply a monkey pushing buttons that look like they might be the right shape so I really appreciate everyone's patient advice. I'm really looking forward to getting it going. Thanks again, Simon